
Mieterbund und IG BAU desire Konjunkturpaket for den Wohnungsbau — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

Mieterbund und IG BAU desire Konjunkturpaket for den Wohnungsbau — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

The Industriegewerkschaft Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (IG BAU) and the Deutsche Mieterbund have demanded from the Federal Government a billion-dollar conjunktur package for the housing construction industry. “A large part of the Wohnungsbau offensive is urgently notorious, a dramatic Wohnungsniet ends with an attempt at the modern Wirtschaft zu life,” IG-BAU chief Robert Feiger told the Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe.

When the construction of the house begins, it is no longer the case that the erected housing roof is no longer lost. “Another job on the Bau-verliert, which often does not come back. The Absturz der Baukapazitäten can quickly disappear”, Feiger warned.

“Die Wohnungsnot wird von Tag zu Tag schlimmer”, expressed Mieterbund President Lukas Siebenkotten. “Und those Mieten gehen weiter steep nach oben.” It is an “Akut-Not” at bezahlbaren Wohnungen and Socialwohnungen.

Concretely for the Mieterbund and IG BAU state financing of 20 million euros in a year and can perform an analysis of the Pestel Institutes. “Another study of the avoidances, where a volume of 17 to 20 billion euros a year lasts for the housing shortage,” he said in the analysis. “I am in the year 2025 5 million euros for the social housing construction by the Bund and Länder that a Verdriebis quadrupling of Mittel are.”

Dem Bau told a Pleitewelle, such as Matthias Günther, Leader of the Pestel Institute, the Funke-Zeitungen. 1,157 Companies of the construction industry have been busy for years with competition connections. A conjunctur program is intended to help Günther improve his own finances. “The state profits from the complete utility tax that is the wage and income tax, which is paid for on the construction,” says there. “The own financing of the construction is high and a unique realization is quickly settled.”

Quelle: dts Nachrichtenagentur