
Die Wahrheit: Zurück zu Mutti!

Die Wahrheit: Zurück zu Mutti!

Der Geheimplan zur Rettung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in gefährdeten Zeiten. A political commentary with whiteräumigem Durchblick.

White Canons in front of Brandenburg Gate

The white Kaninchen is the recovery from the Gemeinwesens occupation Photo: Paul Langrock/Zenit

German democracy has been fucked. Reborn Nazis and rotting Putinists have ended up in Schwitzkasten and their messengers. And democracy is no longer possible. It is asked: three, two, one … – the end is near.

So or so ähnlich let the comments on the political observer after the fatal Landtagswahlen in Dunkeldeutschland. And yet no one knows the Gute in Unlucky. Is Scheitern not and Wunderbares? Have you assured yourself of a heroic deed? Is it not a more fantastic way?

Deutsche sind unentwegt unglaücklich, weil ich ich aus der plaintiffnen Umklammerung ihrer Begierde, glücklich sein zu müssen, nicht loose können. Please feel free to visit other roads: on the Rücken der Pferde, im dauernden Konsum von Bier, Wein und Schnaps und other berauschender Drogen or in Ablegen des Deutschseins.

It is all possible that there are practical cables – not all German products or products can be bought or are no longer themselves. It is a matter of a little loss, which, when the white lace comes out of the hut of the magicians, is: Back to Mutti!

Swiss birthplace

We don’t know it: Schweißgebadet waits for many nights and how davon getsräumt, zur Schule zurück, das Abitur noch einmal machen zu müssen. A classic version, in every respect for the Zukunft balls. The perfidious thing is, that with the year that those who understand the Traum not aufhört, without itself reduced: Plötzlich träumt man davon, in the Vorschule zurück, the Erniedrigungen as I-Dötzchen nor once experienced zu müssen. And in the end the murmur of the whole world: the noise and the channel, must be dealt with by the whole world. It’s no longer possible! Aber warum sollte es auch?!

We could experience one of the requirements of the gefürchteten-albtraums and the sagenhafte los van de Wirklichkeit-annehmen – the peace in Hotel Mama. For the history of the past this is a brilliant historical event.

Rounded gymnastics shoes

Boris Becker, who has been in an English-speaking language in German Germany for a long time, and who is a hawker, goes to his mother’s house, so-called. The political Kaczyński-Zwillinge, who undergoes statesman von Rang, dies in his hour while he mumbles and finally shrieks, without losing your mustache. While Reinhard “Stan” Libuda, all his heroes in the world of football, impoverishes himself and changes completely, he turns around when he sits on the bench.

A turbulent and painful experience, the whole story and no form are sollte. Stayed behind, pushed up and swam! This is the life of the whole nation, which is reflected in the Germans of all Germany, Boris Becker, in a nostalgic reflection on the warm kitchen of the Erzeugerin. “Futtern wie bei Muttern”, lautet der mit letzter Kraft ausgestoßene Schlachtruf der Heimkehrer. The trauben of the muttertiers do not hang so high, but their silent strength is the hungry mother.

One of the most important reasons that an analytical analysis of German democracy in democracy can make and that simple formulation can formulate: Does Angela Merkel want to put an end to German democracy? Secretly will be one of the many years of Merkel’s prosperity. After the Idyll of the Crises: the Finanz- or Refüchtlings-, the Euro- or Coronakrise, which were all einfach besieged during Nichtstun.

No, it is not a question of the Versagen, if the new form is wollen, the Merkel has the plague. If it is a gelebte and beloved democracy, the citizens and their own forces will be supported, but that will be so. Mutti, wir kommen!

The truth about