
New perspective for the Kaisergarten

New perspective for the Kaisergarten

  2. Lennetal
  3. Newenrade

New perspective for the Kaisergarten
The Neuenrader Hotel-Restaurant, with large Veranstaltungsaal plus Bühne, gilded as Neuenrades Kulturstätte. © Peter von der Beck

It is not clear who is new to the Kaisergarten, the Veranstaltungen is still an. Bürgermeister Antonius Wiesemann will “urgently improve the conversation”.

Neuenrade – The Kaisergarten has set up the operation on Tuesday. This focuses on the fact that shock waves are now widespread in Neuenrade. If the operation setting – if it is not officially clear, the end or the previous one – a natural Consequences connected. Hanging up private accounts is not the case with the cultural establishment of the city of Neuenrade, which is the next.

Kulturveranstaltung aller Kunst has been planted

The Kaisergarten, the most of the Saal, is enjoyed by the Seniorenfest, the Feierlichkeiten on 3. October, for the Musical Dornröschen – only for adults, for Best of: 25 Jahre MEDLZ or the Weihnachtskonzert on 22. December – only the upcoming performances are. It was not that it could, it is not clear. Mayor Antonius Wiesemann lies through the time that his service has not received a new development. “We must urgently seek the conversation.” Man versee, with the tenant Contact, a then a common loss that is found, is silent, that is the common thing. The Bürgermeister concrete: “That is all together.” Much has been said about the Kaisergarten, but it is the cultural center of the city.

Options and thought models

There are many options and thought models for the expansion of the imperial garden complexes, which will have a longer theme. One model is the Trennung von Saal and Restaurant. Der Bürgermeister said about this: “It is a political party, which can be more creative than Herangehen.” So it is clear that there is a political vision and a political debate.

New interests for the complex of the gains, is probably a new option. “Who has interest, can gladly report to us”, says Wiesemann.

If you want to know more about the restaurant renovation, you can be sure that it is possible. The financing of the financing starts with a small financial company and a higher scope.

It is clear that the Kaisergarten complex is a central mosaic stone in the city building and infrastructure for the Stadt Neuenrade, so that the image of the city is well represented. All that is required is city imagery.

Politics should be separated

Hanging the tasteful culture The company can give an impulse to opposition politics, the Kaisegartenkomplex in the sin of the Grundschule and the insulting Ganztagsgrundschule zu nutzen. Küche, Aula, Räume – Platz were enough. There is a political question: a fragment of the future.

“Gute Stube von Neuenrade weiterführen”

Who ever: Mitte Mai 2022, the Xpion GmbH, a Tochter der Goeke-Group, leased the Kaisergartencomplex. If you have a yellowed experience, the complex of the treatise, Mathias Goeke is on the plan. Damals here are the days of the city: Man is happy, “in the future, we can have a new leasehold, with a healthy future relationship.”