
Baby on the way and: Football superstar Alex Morgan played Karriere

Baby on the way and: Football superstar Alex Morgan played Karriere

Alex Morgan explored the best news

Fußball-Superstar wasdet Karriere – aus tollem Grund

Alex Morgan

Alex Morgan in Trikot of San Diego Waves


Is it a beautiful Gründe, a Karriere that has been?

One of the best players in the game of football can no longer play on Torejagd. US-Star Alex Morgan got his sporting career after 30 years – and that was a tollen Grund.

Alex Morgan: US Stürmerin has played his career as a professional soccer player

I am in an Instagram post that nur both says “Thank you”. After a long time, the 35-year anniversary of the fussball was followed by more of the story: “It was a long time ago, and the separation was not easy for me …”, said Morgan and had a closer look with the Tränen, continue then aber fort “Anfang 2024 fühlte mein Herz and my Seele, that’s the last Saison will be, that I’ll play Fußball”.

Football lasts 30 years and a part of life is being pointed out, it is “war one of the first things in life, that I got”, so Morgan. Everything that is done for the sport is much worse, because it is bad.

Tochter Charlie would be a great Schwester

But now is one of those times, to concentrate on the family. Yet Charlie is four years old and mom Alex says: “If you have a mirror and a nice day tomorrow, you can become a soccer player.” The mache is an unglazed stolz. Freudenteullenn over his face.

Alex Morgan with his daughter Charlie

Morgan with his daughter Charlie


And Charlie is Morgan’s goose Stolz. But if the family were bald, they would never have been able to get through Zuwachs. “I am a big Schwester – I am a Schwanger,” his fast millions of followers sold freudestrahlend. “Family means everything to me. Ohne meinen Mann and my family were not here like this. They have developed as professional ballers for 15 years.”

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In 2015 and 2019 Morgan won the World Championship title with the American women’s soccer team, in 2019 in France she worked with the team together with the best top star Megan Rapinoe as a hairdresser. In 2012 he won his Olympic gold. In 224 Länderspielen Morgan is 123 Tore and gab 53 Vorlagen.

On September 8, 2024, it will only be a few minutes since the Fußballschuhe schnüren. Dann found the Farewell game for the Club San Diego Waves-statt. Danach came from the family with Alex Morgan. (no)