
Two romantic Weltenbummler schlagen Wurzeln auf der Ostalb

Two romantic Weltenbummler schlagen Wurzeln auf der Ostalb

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Two romantic Weltenbummler schlagen Wurzeln auf der Ostalb
Filomena and Rob Moore are Aalen, but also the journey – and they will go to their high time and to Valentine’s Day for 31 years. © Holger Bewersdorf

In our summer series it’s one of Filomena and Robert Moore. The couple has found a home in Aalen – where Falafel, Los Angeles and the American band Grateful Dead would have been damned if they could.

Eels. London, Los Angeles – all the way to Aalen,” says Robert Moore, and now Rob nennen. Der Brite hat all Grund fröhlich zu sein: “I am very good at 11.315 days with the tollsten Frau der Welt verheiratet”, said on 31. College Day, on 4. September. A “seine” Filomena radiates: “Yes, and we would absolutely not do anything else.”

Who knows everything? 1988: Londoner Rob Moore went for his skateboarding. From 23 years I see in Los Angeles that I have said it, I am best busy with a skate-profi program. “LA was always the place to be for skaters”, says. Zeitgleich also lives Filomena Fierro there with her cousin. She was born in Hamilton, Canada. My family originates from Molise, Italy, so only to Neresheim and runs the Pizzeria in the train station. But not the wild Hersfeld, southern California, eternal sun, Venice Beach and Filomenas dream.

Filomena and Rob Moore have been interrogated for 31 years.
Filomena and Rob Moore have been interrogated for 31 years. © Holger Bewersdorf

With the “Deadheads” in the Tour that goes through the US

Um duchzukommen, jobbt sie in a Imbiss. Dessen Besitzer decided to start the US-cult-rock band “Grateful Dead” on the US-Tour – with a Falafel Stand. Filomena joins his team together with Rob and Stößt. What happened? “When I saw that Tür öffnete, I thought, wow, tolle Frau,” remembers Rob.

And Filomena? “If there had been anyone, I would have noticed first if anyone was gone,” he said. During the Tour stress, Rob fell bald under his dust. “I really wanted to become a Skate Pro,” he laughs.

Meeting point for both: July 17, Hostel, Venice Beach. Aber Filomena kam a Woche zu spät. Kein Rob, now a Zettel.

In Brussels the seriousness increases and Rob then zum Rosenkavalier

Sie flog nach Deutschland, kehrte in ihren Job in Stuttgart zurück. “We remain in contact, I fly to England, meet my friends and those others. There was a war going on, but it’s nothing,” Filomena muses.

The Clique meets again and again, later in Brussels. “If others have made the connection, damn it, anything can help us. The first Kiss War in the film. ‘I’ve waited so long for this moment,’ said Rob and it was clear to us: We belong together. “

Rob gibt Gas, wird Fleurop-Stamkunde und Filomena in Büro tagelang mit Blumen überhäuft. “We write our own faxes, telephonierten täglich,” he laughs. Rob fled to Stuttgart or Frankfurt, to London.

From England it is again in the US

1989 they go to England. No London. Filomena is in the village. Find a good job at CZ Scientific (Zeiss). But 1991 both go all out. They want to relive a dream. They fly to New York and go home with a friend of a dogmobile with a trip then with the “Grateful Dead US-Tour 1991” with.

“If there were no Hippies, they were happy,” Rob laughs. “We buy bagels and friends,” says Filomena. That brought money. With Money, if you travel through the US, “we would like to see gold in the canyons near Sacramento,” he said.

Nighttime short before Christmas: Australian. But Filomena has homesickness. If you do that, it is now so that you are no longer at home and then see a community after Germany.

Robert Moore got down on his knees

December 26, 1992: Rob is a resident of Filomena in Neresheim. There will be with my heart, Filomenas Mutter schlägt das “Wunderlich” vor. Fits for both – bis heute. But Rob braucht plötzlich Ruhe. Filomena wonders, Rob and Ruhe? That doesn’t fit.

I am “BB” (Bretzga Blose) with a few writers, who fall on their knees, like a gentleman with one hand. The Ring has a big diamond blessing that yields welding. But first said Rob in a ring from the Kaugummi machines. “Ich hab das gar nicht bemerkt, ich was so überwältigt”, beams Filomena.

Filomena and Rob Moore have done their best at Grauleshof, even though they are still busy in Los Angeles.
Filomena and Rob Moore have done their best at Grauleshof, even though they are still busy in Los Angeles. © Holger Bewersdorf

You see a few in the Aalener Sandstraße 20. If you find jobs and many friends, you can call the label “Wunderlich”. Filomena hat Sprachen studiert, Rob Architektur. If the country is first at Lehmann, then it is at Zeiss, the case at Mapal. It is läuft, auch beruflich.

Created in 1993 in Las Vegas: “Little Church of the West”. Simple, no bureaucracy, uncomplicated, few guests. Partying in the noble Hotel “Golden Nugget”, but affordable. There are parts available that can be used in the Flitterwoche on Hawaii. Fantastic. The afterparty is held in Aalen in “Italia”.

Aalen, the perfect new home

Rob and Filomena bought a house on the Grauleshof and became Eltern. 1996 with Luca James van Welt, 2001 Kim Aaron. These Jungs are very beautiful. “The rule was, since we spoke all in English, but I did not speak Italian with my language and the German language on the road,” said Rob.

Aalen war 1992 of perfect Ort, says Rob. “Familie gründen, Wohnung, Job finden, Kindergarten, Infrastruktur, in fünf Minuten bist du im Wald – in LA or London were the utopian gewesen, bis heute,” said Rob.

Aalener are open. There is no question of financing, but it is a friendly financing. “Ich konnte kein Wort Deutsch, als ich comb, geschweige denn Swabian”, laughs there. “We love Aalen. The culture, the ‘wonder light’, the war between Hirschbach and Freibad in the summer with the young Jungs is a second Wohnzimmer. Das Naturfreundehaus Am Brandt is one of our favorite music and two of both music”, says Filomena.

Which? “Everything, except Britney,” grins Rob. Punk, Ska, Rock – as a London Boy of the 70s, it’s a thing “and both are of course the Red Hot Chili Peppers,” with Filomena one.

If only they had loved each other

Was lieben sie inander? “With Rob I am a strong man. I have always been unaffected, even with the Jungs, everything has been possible in my stillness” – “Yes, they have always kept me in that Brust,” he laughs.

“I love my humor, there is heavy writing, British eben, and I love it, who brings me zum laughter,” he said. And Rob: “It is autonomous and grim. If you sit on the Raum in the Camper for a long time, there is no more war. If you want, if you want. It’s impressed me. And that’s pretty much who I am,” he laughs.

Hat Rob would have forgotten the Hochzeitstag? “Noch nie”, laughs Filomena and she says: “Zum Hochzeits- en zum Valentinstag we will always have a poem – since 30 years ago. Heute auch.”