
Was the power the modern Pflegeberuf heute aus? Ein Besuch at the station.

Was the power the modern Pflegeberuf heute aus? Ein Besuch at the station.

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Was the power the modern Pflegeberuf heute aus? Ein Besuch at the station.
Praxisanleiterin Jana Zillmann (l.) is een Generous Pflegetätigkeiten, een Wissen met Elisa Grobler und 35 others Azubis zu teilen. © Gath

Hearty work and little time for the patients – the journey of the patients who are ill. A visit to the Spring Break in the Diakonieklinikum Rotenburg.

Rotenburg – Noch vor dem Frühstück is exciting in Zimmer 42 of visceral and thoracic surgery. “That power is sicher gut”, says – oder hofft? – the 60-year-old patient in the Rollstuhl, where the Pflegestudent in Elisa Grobler sat in the Oberarm with a rotten Gurt absbindet. The Grobler die Vene under the dünnen Haut in der Armbeuge ab tastes delicious. “Just take a few minutes to get the best results from the patients,” recalls the author Jana Zillmann, who studied the previous one.

When Grobler answers the Nadel, Zillmann’s letzte Anweisung comes: “Etwas steeper!” The Spitze penetrates the binding web of the Vene and schon fließt the thin red Blut of the Patientin in the Kunststoffzylinder, the Grobler in the Hand hält – zum very first Mal in his nor young Career . “Stauung auf, Nadel raus,” said Zillmann. “I never noticed Von der Spritze, since I was born with the Fuß,” said the patient freely, as if he were happy with the Ausbildung helfen.

If the patient in the Rotenburger Diakonieklinikum starts treatment at the beginning of the Ausbildung, it is not unchanged. Rund 180 der fast 1,000 Pflegerinnen en Pfleger are in der Lehre. As one of our practices in the house, it is open to the station and is open to 36 hours.

The compromise for the lightest trip on the foot: During the follow-up days the care team spends more time with the patients. Normally it is a matter of performing an operation tomorrow during the visceral and thoracic surgery on the morning of a Zehn patient, of the three women in room 42 who have performed the assistance after four minutes.

Grobler and Zillmann today since he was with three patients in Zimmer 42 society, who operate in the Bauch were included: Blutdruck, Sauerstoffsatttigung and Temperatur messenger, the clogged flow of the Infusion products, Tablets distribution and Verbände control, Urinary teaching and Urinary mixing possible, Tipps are Wundliegen geben, Trinkwasser auffüllen and regularly Hand disinfizieren.

“It is advisable in the first year of teaching to take the time to be supervised,” Zillmann said. As care work became more complex, “the tasks fell today and care was delegated.” Operations that a man could have taken away for 15 years – and one of the food items – were performed every day. If you do this, it is not so much that the treatment becomes more complicated, but the patients. If patients spend more time packing patients.

Priority at Zeitdruck

It said that it was at 6 o’clock, when the Frühschicht in the Kolleginnen der Nacht ablöst. Zehn Frauen in blue Kitteln have gathered in the Aufenthaltsraum. At the moment that the Fenstern in the morgendämmerung unermüdlich the Windräder starts, the Geruch of desinfektionsmittel will use the Duft of Filterkaffee. A leading Pflegekraft tells Zettel with information about the patients.

Use the Spalte with the Basis of the Clinic Entrance: relevant secondary diagnoses. “No pre-existing illnesses, no medicines”, he is only with one of the 22 patients at the station. In addition to other documents from Blatt Diabetes, Obesity, Kidney problems, advanced main artery disease, Krebs and even more again: Demenz.

About a number of dementia patients, the Leiterin der Nachtschicht said: “There is a good feeling when a man commits himself, that there is fear and weeping. Man muss ihm fell ankündigen and fell with ihm reason.” Neben dem Fachwissen – laut Zillmann dauert es zwei Jahre, bis man auf einer Station everything white – müssen Pflegekräfte ausgeprägte kommunikative Fähigkeiten mitbringen. Or learn: “Gerade der Small Talk probably fell on Anfang schwer.”

Dementia patients are sick, they are afraid of being moved

Student Elisa Grobler has had no problems with her. If a patient has found a fragment in Room 42, it is only possible in Ausland to get his disinfectant on the arm and examine it, as the Recfehlung of the Robert Koch institutions in his inner. Zillmann helps: 20 Secondary warten and einwirkenlassen. It was a long time to look, the Vene for the second blood-sucking of their lives to find. That little blow is not the stitch in the teaching. The patient has played a major role in making dents, it is and her rhythm. “We prefer to pass that on to the doctor,” said Zillmann.

Grobler does not plan to write, but in the four weeks that he had a job, there was probably no problem. “When you compare the first day with today, it is a giant adventure”, he said that he quickly became euphoric. Grobler gets to know the practice in the clinic for new weeks, before he gets to know a theory block and the Bremen University of Applied Sciences.

The Akademisierung des Pflegeberufs holt Deutschland nach, was in most European Ländern Standard ist. Während des vierjährigen Studiums leer Grobler neben der Grundausbildung winstschaftliches Arbeiten. As an aid, said Zillmann, “for the viewing of the matter, a zum Beispiel Prozesse zu optimize”. Pflegekräfte seien heute Station Manager, who delegate Aufgaben and stehen in Austausch mit Ärzten, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists or the Social Services. “It is not long-term,” so Zillmann was positive.

It is not long ago that you cooperate with the Labor Tax of the Pflegekräfte. In all cases, the people were confronted with a problem, while now there are no more ways for demographic walks, but we would probably come out of the robbed world. If you switch off the device, remove the device with the pressure. “Shortly before the final inspection, the reports are naturally higher,” Zillmann explains.

Schon jetzt, im ersten Ausbildungsjahr, laborer de Ausbilderin daran, dass Grobler das Setzen von Prioritäten in Fleisch und Blut übergeht. Any purchases you make will ensure you are ready. If Grobler wants to use a Zeitfenster, a Rolltisch aufzuräumen, Zillmann fragments: „Was ist wichtiger: Aufräumen oder Blut abnehmen?“ „Blut abnehmen“, answers Grobler and lässt den Tisch in Flur stehen.

When I shape, when I see the price of the fresh image, Grobler sits in a small glass with a look at the current and tips a computer: documentation, the operation of the track and a short time in the air. Where it was never Zillmann, the hint of Grobler, with a late-inic investigation of his work and his student who has an unremarkable experience, is treated here at the station in the visceral and thoracic surgery.