
AfD: Aufstieg loses a study on the best results

AfD: Aufstieg loses a study on the best results

A zero-vote poster from the AfD

The leadership of the AfD ensures the Mehrheit der Bevölkerung (Symbol photo).

Source: image

In the total population this day is 85 percent. There are 60 products available that will leave the Transfer Plan for Non-German Study Boundaries.

In 2017, the Deutsche Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) conducted a study of Integration und Migration, Konsens und Konflikten, which are concerned with gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe and Rassismus.

In 2022, the DeZIM from the Bundesmitteln has secured a financing amount of 1.4 million euros, which is a response from the Bundesregierung to a minor attack by the AfD faction. Current numbers are not forward at this time.

Quelle: Deutscher Bundestag, Bundesregierung

A clear analysis of the fragments of the AfD-demnach as democratic final (72.4 percent), racist (80 percent) and extremist (76.9 percent) one. Round 71 percent of the committees do not see as a part “like every other” (70.8 percent). These issues are undone by factors with a political power or political power, which is in the short-term study. Individual AfD supporters and supporters claim that differently.
Man in the car

An aufreibender Wahlkampf in Thuringia and Saxony is in the past. Did you think that people would follow the history of the AfD? Who is the Stimmung nach de Wahlen voor Ort? A report.04.09.2024 | 8:34 minutes

Forscherin: “AfD has no ideological support”

The DeZIM-Forscherin und Leiterin des Bereichs Konsens und Konflikt, Sabrina Zajak, erklärte, the study said, “that the AfD keine breite ideological Unterstützung hat”. Extreme positioning is possible.

The Bielefelder Konfliktforscher Andreas Zick erg, the study said about a spaltung in the Gesellschaft. AfD sympathizers encourage the right-wing radicals to organize a mass enumeration in clarifying the views of all others. This Stimmung is afraid.

Zuwanderung polarisiert Bevölkerung

The active ZDF politbarometer said that the polarization of the parties and the advocacy of the discussion about the Zuwanderung and the Ausweisung would take place. 06.09.2024 | 1:28 min

The empirical research into the follow-up studies of the AfD is based on a German German investment of 3,000 people over time. Under the title “Ablehnung, Angst und Abwanderungsplane” the Researchers and Researchers for the DeZIM are analyzed, in which the debts and the presentation of the Aufstieg and the Absichten der AfD-hervorrufen are carried out.

People with migration goals think about migration

The forschenden stellten auch de Frage nach Abwanderungsabsichten aus AfD-Hochburgen or Auswanderungsplänen aus Deutschland. Demnach consults in the country, has part of the migration with the migration background (33.8 Prozent) to get the strongest kraft paper from the AfD in his Bundesland. Konkrete Plane hatten 12.5 Prozent.

From the Befragten ohne Migrationshintergrund thought 14.2 Prozent über einen Wegzug nach, a small part (3.4 Prozent) with an entsprechende Plane. If you celebrate your migration, you will think that after all, you will see another Aufstieg der AfD from Germany. Unter den Menschen ohne Migrationserfahrung ist est rund jeder Zehnte (11.7 Prozent).

Choice location in Brandenburg

Auch im Wahlkampf in Brandenburg while the theme Zuwanderung is discussed. Während AfD und BSW auf Bgrenzung der Migration setzen, wollen Grüne und Linke Geflüchtete nicht abschieben.20.08.2024 | 1:59 minutes

Soziologist: “Vertreibungsnarrative” damaged öffentlichen Frieden

The Leipzig Church and Religion Sociologist Gert Pickel warned against this background for the East German country for a “canned lust for knowledge, know-how and economic capacity”. The Sociologist Matthias Quent of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences said, the dates invested, “the right-wing extreme Vertreibungsnarrative” of the fried stories.

In the Landtagswahlen, the AfD in Thuringia sells 32.8 percent of the strongest Kraft products. In Saxony you can see 30.6 Prozent der Stimmen auf Platz zwei.

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Source: ZDF

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