
Schools: Schulstart: KI, Lehrermangel und Verfassungsviertelstunde

Schools: Schulstart: KI, Lehrermangel und Verfassungsviertelstunde

Lehrermangel, KI, Verfassungsviertelstunde, digital Ausstattung – the new Schuljahr started in Bavaria with a Reihe von Herausforderungen. «We live with little personal. Wir haben Lehrermangel», says Culture Minister Anna Stolz (Freelancer). “The situation has renewed, it’s been a long time, it’s no longer possible.”

If you buy more Freiraum in the Lehrplänen, more Sport en Bewegung and the Schools and bring Druck for the Schülerinnen and Schüler herausnehmen, you can Stolz a.

I started by performing 1.72 million female and male teachers and retraining my teaching skills. There are 134,000 first-class teachers.

Schule is one of the best child and youth care providers for their future lives, like Stolz. «That year I became the focus on the health of children and children, and also improved their quality of life. Resilienz, Achtsamkeit, Stressbewältigung, Zeitmanagement became more and more important.»

New is another example of the many sales activities that begin in a few years. The learning platform in all debts is dissolved and the Prüfungskultur is used again. In times of KI come Wissen a different meaning as yet for years, said Stolz.

Zum new Schuljahr stellt der Freistaat rund 3,800 Lehrkräfte new ein, darunter 1,600 op nicht geschaffenen Stellen. If the Lehrkräfte for the Kernaufgaben are taxed, it becomes another 600 sister couples for multi-professional Kräfte. Moreover, the special needs are for the Grund – en Mittelschulen sei der Kernunterricht zu 100 Prozent sichergestellt, unterstrich Stolz. You can enjoy the pleasure of Lehrerstellen here, but it is not worth it.

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