
Generationswechsel at Standort Munich der EXECUTIVE SERVICES GROUP

(openPR) Generationswechsel am Standort Munich – New partner for the EXECUTIVE SERVICES GROUP

After 16 years under the leadership of Daniela Lucas, Ella Neff will enter her office on September 1, 2024, at the Munich Standort and the Personal Management Establishment as a new Partner in the EXECUTIVE SERVICES GROUP.

“Diese bergabe in der Führung est une neue Portfolio des Portfolios sich neuer Gesellschafter gesellschafter der Gruppe,” says Thomas Kottenhoff, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Gruppe.

If the kitchen of the Standort München is its service portfolio, one of the available dishes is a dish that is offered.

Photo: Daniela Lucas and Ella Neff

New in portfolio is:

  • Coaching for high performance: During coaching and individual coaching sessions, based on the principles of top-level sport.
  • Business coaching: Unterstützt Führungskräfte und Teams dabei, je beruflichen Ziele zu erreichen und je Kompetenzen weiterzuentwickeln.
  • Career guidance: Hilft Fach- und Führungskräften, je beruflichen Ziele zu defineen, Stärken und Potenziale zu entfalten and Strategien zu entwickeln.
  • Bewerbungscoaching and Interviewtraining

Branchenspektrum am Standort Munich

The addition would also be the branch spectrum at the Munich location. One of the main reasons is that this is happening in the chemical sector. In this context, Ella Neff offers personal guidance and Executive Search services as a Headhunter.

“I am particularly involved in my large network, which I have built in the chemical industry,” reports Ella Neff. Contact with colleges and universities has developed and expanded a network. These connections are an invaluable advantage that I bring to my new role.”

Before Ella her expertise in the field of chemistry and plastics industry through her personal positioning at 3M and as HR Business Partner at WACKER AG. These experiences were extremely important for the support of their consulting and coaching experts for the leadership teams. The war lasted eight years as HR Consultant and various locations of Westlake Vinnolit GmbH & Co. KG.

Bewährtes Bewahren und Neues erschließen

Because the new path has been taken, the core cannot convince us: the excellent deliberation and concern that we can offer, following the motto “Bewährtes Bewahren”, confirms Thomas Kottenhoff.

The bisherigen Branchen des Standorts Munich were established in Zukunft, while Daniela Lucas became an Ansprechpartner in the world. Good luck with your experience as well as possible for mechanical and analysis construction, electronics and automation technology or the construction sector with its application areas in the chemical industry.

Daniela Lucas has also offered our service training in the region “Berufungsverfahren für Professuren” Germanlandweit verantwort and ausbauen.

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