
Linkin Park in the New Start with a Front Frau: Since the Music Highlights of the Week

Linkin Park in the New Start with a Front Frau: Since the Music Highlights of the Week

Linkin Park or Chester Bennington? It’s a long unimaginable. Seven years after the death of the former singer, the US rocker dares to make a new start – with a Frau am Mikro! “The Emptiness Machine” is called a publicized comeback single. It’s good to know that most fans have made a fresh start. New and new ideas come from Paris Hilton, who may have sung a few years ago, and the other Pink Floyd star David Gilmour.

Linkin Park – The Emptiness Machine

Paris Hilton embodies the art of Selbstinszenierung that is not Zweite - also as pop music. 18 years after my debut with

Paris Hilton embodies the art of Selbstinszenierung that is not Zweite – also as pop music. 18 years after my debut with “Infinite Icon” an album that is light. (Picture: 11:11 Media/Ada)

As Linkin Park expands, the war has continued for a while in the last years. With the tragic Tod von Sänger Chester Bennington 2017 the end of the band seemed besieged. If you make an attempt to start, but with a different goal: Linkin Park is a real Neustart – and a big cover, with a woman in the microphone truck. Darauf, dass in Umfeld der Rockgruppe was a big passion that was going on, how you would see a Countdown in the social center of the world.

“Emily Armstrong”, that is the night of the Donnerstag on Freitag one of the best names at Google. Year 1986, born in Los Angeles, the war died Blonde with the Power-Stimme as will only be known Insider. Armstrong has another group with the Gründungsformation of the Band Dead Sara recorded, before a few beautiful years the backing vocals for the Hole album “Nobody’s Daughter”. Jetzt is the new at Linkin Park, while the front fraud Mike Shinoda has sent to the Bühne.

Whoever records Linkin Park with Emily Armstrong will get fans of the comeback single “The Emptiness Machine” which provides a first final delivery. Tenor der ersten Reaktionen: super, please more davon! And yes, that happens more often. Schon in Kürze starts a new tour (with a concert in Hamburg, not in September 2024). There is a full-fledged album with Emily Armstrong that we have written: the publication of “From Zero”, the first new Linkin-Park-Platte on 2017 (“One More Light”), is scheduled for November 15th.

Paris Hilton – Infinite Icon

Little Ego, fell Art: Wer anspruchsvolle Rockmusik schätzt, met David Gilmour's 'Luck And Strange' lieben. (Photo: Anton Corbijn)

Little Ego, fell Art: Wer anspruchsvolle Rockmusik schätzt, met David Gilmour’s ‘Luck And Strange’ lieben. (Photo: Anton Corbijn)

The biggest music highlight of the year? Fragment man with Paris Hilton next, then it is a high quality: the new album by Paris Hilton, Dummerchen! The real It-Girl hat has appeared once in 2006 with “Paris”. The flat war comes like a soldier, lands in the American charts on the Platz (Platz 18 in Germany), and with the single ‘Stars Are Blind’ war becomes a richtiger hit. For 18 years, the Queen of Selbstvermarktung lays down with a second album next.

“Infinite Icon” is one of the most iconic icons in his new work. “I have thoroughly enjoyed my entire book and my collection in these two albums,” says Hilton. Schon das Cover is spectacular, a Photoshop marvel with the vocals as a form of design in a futuristic Sci-Fi setting. Dazu passes auch die Musik, an effective mix of Dance and Electropop – modern and highly productive, but also very relaxing.

Paris Hilton sang of Selbstvertrauen, Selbstfindung and Selbstliebe, zudem geht is een poisonous Beziehungen (“Chasin'”) and Heilung. With „I’m Free“, one of the personal titles of the albums, the 43-year anniversary of their youth is reflected in their work. Rina Sawayama has invited her single as a guest singer, as she takes on the roles of Meghan Trainor, Megan Thee Stallion, Maria Becerra and her ‘Infinite Icon’.

David Gilmour – Happiness and strangeness

The occupation of Roger Waters: it can be a real Luft-Hol, maybe with a high head that goes further and further – and in the end no one becomes music anymore. With political controls you can help the real Kopf of Pink Floyd to get more into the position of the Reizfigur, while it is still an art that you can use. Ganz anders is a bandkollege and a long collaboration with David Gilmour, who has released a new album with “Luck And Strange”. The man who did not do it, was not impressed and it was not so difficult. That can be a man who no longer works.

Now that it is no longer so, the ghosts and the scam are one of the other times of life, while Pink Floyd is the biggest band in the world war. Obviously, it is long ago, and that only Prog-Rock-Sound of damals, there is so little of it. David Gilmour is white. Keep in mind that the 78 years a relatively relatively large amount of money with the own and large amounts of money has earned. If one of the other things has happened, that is not yet the case. Of both, one of the other understatements of the changes and of the larger creative things, found „Luck And Strange“ extremely überdeutlich.

A woman sang of Hope and Desire, of Angels and Spirits, he will die the harp. Weit über drei Minuten goht das so, bis man remarks (but then schlagartig): Das David Gilmour-Musik! If it’s good, an unknown guitar solo is played in „Between Two Points“. “Luck And Strange” is Gilmour’s first solo album with new years (“Rattle That Lock”), and of course it is not the case that it is the individual Akzente zu setzen itself. If that is not the case, it is itself a matter of cooking and the greater part of the growth. Seine Tochter Romany zum Beispiel, the more Gesangsparts übernimmt (most of the text stems of Gilmour’s wife Polly Samson). Little Ego, fell Art: Wer great rock music schätzt, den wird diese Platte sehr glücklich machen. (tsch)