
FCN: Nach Kantersieg v Aue: Endlich Konkurrenzkampf bij Club | Sport

FCN: Nach Kantersieg v Aue: Endlich Konkurrenzkampf bij Club | Sport

“It is possible that the others will push in and knock on the Tür. Deswegen have the Konkurrenzkampf. Sie müssen in meine Augen kommen und auffallen.”

Club coach Miroslav Klose’s (46) wish would use the Drittliga Tabellenführer Aue (6:0) during the Secret Test to end the great time. If the side of the side of the side is determined, there are a few new candidates for the starting eleven at the next Zweitligaspiel in Ulm.

BILD says the positioning is more competitive.

● left Mittelfeld

Thanks to a good gut preparation, Florian Pick (28) had a starting place last November. However, the remis in Darmstadt (1:1) is losing to the ex-Heidenheimer (BILD reported). Kanji Okunuki (24), member of the Verpflichtung of Julian Justvan (comb from Hoffenheim) on the rights of the Außenbahn, dared to the Liga-Start in Karlsruhe (2:3) in Hit. Then the Japanese but off. While a double pack goes to the okunuki, there can be played offensively left to right, with new self-references and a strong start in one of the choices.

● Central Midfield

New Casper Jander (21) war was thus the winner of the war and started with a good Leistung against Karlsruhe (2:3). Danach followed his first Zweitliga-Tor against Schalke (3:1). Allerdings flog is in that game on the Gelb-Rot vom Platz. If the form no longer works, it has disappeared. As 0:4-Pleite against Magdeburg, depending on Jander, nor etwas. Taylan Duman (27) hinges a war that diverse Ausfälle in der Vorpreitung meistens oußen vor, stand gegen Magdeburg not even in the Kader. Your power is with a double pack in the Aue test in a noticeable way and can give Ulm in the Jander position a new chance.

DFB comeback in GartencenterPlötzlich entdeckt Kimmich DIESES Photo

Video: Plötzlich entdeckt Kimmich DIESES Photo

Source: BILD

● Storm center

Lukas Schleimer (24) beat KSC and Schalke in the first two games with an Assist and a Tor ebenfalls in the new playing time. If you have a Sturmspitze ab. Man remarks: Schleimer is not, however, Mittelstürmer. The fact is that Dustin Forkel (19) has gone through the youngster with his undisputed art for fresh air in FCN-Angriff-sorgen. Zumal with Janni Serra (Fußstauchung) sees Mahir Emreli (nach Syndesmoseband-Verletzung noch fit) het eigentlichen Alternative voor de Sturmmitte noch nicht zur Verfügung stehen.

Forkelwar in de Vorbereitung der treffsicherste FCN-Torschütze (sechs Tore). Considering Magdeburg is not in the framework of difficult training facilities, but Forkel has the Botschaft von Trainer Miroslav Klose (46) of clear understanding. Zowohl in the U23 against Augsburg II (3:1) as a young, young professional jetzt with jewels a goal Plus point. Möglicherweise has done its best for the game in Ulm in the Startelf-geballert.