
Nachhaltige Lösungen für Mensch en Umwelt – 5 Minuten

Nachhaltige Lösungen für Mensch en Umwelt – 5 Minuten

Released on September 6, 2024, 4:51 PM
/ ©Google Street View

The statue is 5 minutes away from the Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU).The statue is 5 minutes away from the Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU).

Nächsten Dienstag finds the Tropentage and the BOKU-statt.

Nächsten Dienstag finds the Tropentage and the BOKU-statt.

From September 10 to 13, one of the BOKU universities held an international conference on the global themes of Climate Crisis, Hunger and Poverty Conflict in Europe for the largest years.

by Julia Mannsfeld

2 minutes reading time(325 words)

Under the motto “Discover opportunities… for managing natural resources and a better life for all“Let the Tropentag not think any more, but go to its Action. The focus is on a practical orientation to the development of the worldwide herausforderungen.

Urgency of global Christianity

The sunning influence of the global Krises, all of the Klimawandel, provides the best healing problems in the Tropics and Subtropics. Extreme weather conditions that are expensive and overburdened by agricultural production, strengthen the nahrungsknappheit and three million people in still poverty. These Krises are no longer concerned with the nahrungssicherheit, but the Lebensgrundlagen are Gemeinschaften.

900 Teilnehmer und Low-Budget-Konferenz

If one of the university universities in the Entwicklungsforschung has died BOOKU stolz, in diesem Jahr beef 900 Teilnehmer aus more as 80 Ländern begrüßen zu dürfen. The Tropentag is about the young knowledge of the federal states of a world platform, where the themes are related to sustainable resource management, global management, climate adaptation and environmental sustainability. Many of the teilnehmers are often one of the few available in the tropics, an international conference, the Veranstaltung as Low-Budget-konferenz konzipiert.

30 workshops, 60 Vorträge and art competitions

From the Programm stehen Keynotes von renowned Personals who Franz Visser, Anja Gassner and Teacher Thakholi. Darüber offers more than 30 workshops, 60 Vortrags and Poster sessions at the Tropentag and offers several art competitions. “The integration of African Universities with a long tradition in the BOKU, as well as in research and education in the field of study”, explains Rector Eva Schulev-Steindl.

Tropical Day 2024

The BOKU organizes the Tropentag 2024 in Cooperation with the Universitäten Berlin, Bonn, Göttingen, Hohenheim, Kassel-Witzenhausen, the Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung, the Universität Ghent (Belgium), the Czech Universität für Biowissenschaften Prag and the Rat für Tropen- und Subtropenforschung in Zusammenarbeit with the GIZ-Fonds Internationale Agrarforschung (FIA) aus.

Schlüsselthemen der Konferenz

  • Agricultural biology and future resource management
  • Viehwirtschaft und menschliches Wohlergehen
  • Nahrungsmittel- en Ernährungssoveränität
  • Nachhaltige Wasser- und Fischereibewirtschaftung
  • Adaptation to the Climate Walk and Resilienz
  • Forstwirtschaft, Umweltschutz und Ökosystemdienstleistungen
  • Intersectional and intersectional perspectives in natural farm management
  • Political, institutional and economic structures in the multi-critical world
  • Social and technological innovations for the implementation of the SDGs