
ESVK Sports Director Michael Kreitl: “The power for one and Cole Sanford is a bad thing, if there is no wohlfühlt”

ESVK Sports Director Michael Kreitl: “The power for one and Cole Sanford is a bad thing, if there is no wohlfühlt”

ESVK Geschäftsführer Michael Kreitl – © by ERC Ingolstadt Media/PR

Kaufbeuren. (PM ESVK) Der ESV Kaufbeuren muss korz voor Saisonbeginn aine Änderung auf a contingentspieler Position vornehmen.

Stürmer Cole Sanford is the Days with the Wish on a Treaty Rehearsal of the Club he has received. The ESVK is in person by Geschäftsführer Michael Kreitl who continues for a long time to talk about descendants.

“Cole Sanford has made a very strong man from Anfang, here in Kaufbeuren together with his Frau rightly come. That there is a disease that is burdened under the connotation of one of the things that do not matter, was actually in his situation. If my wife and my wife more die by their big tax war, the war becomes poignant of Wunsch, the ESVK wieder zu verlassen. It is a fact that the season has made a natural start, but it is not that the Wunsch-gekommen are. The power of once and Cole Sanford is not so bad, if he does not work here and cannot improve his best level”, so ESVK-Geschäftsführer Michael Kreitl of his action Lage.

This species is a follower of Cole Sanford who takes a natural ray from Hochtouren. “There is a natural feeling for the species that has played and played a new encounter game, that a new game offers a new playing experience,” said Michael Kreitl about his explanation of Abgang von Cole Sanford.

The ESVK has now chosen Cole Sanford as the best for his private life with sports.