
Start for Gemein-Statt in Großalmerode

Start for Gemein-Statt in Großalmerode

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Start for Gemein-Statt in Großalmerode
Part of the Gemein-Statt’s representation in the new large kitchen, which was bought and rediscovered by Sonntag, was by: Arne Störmer, Tanja Noll, Birgit Anacker and Frank Anacker. © Hendrik Woltmann

Am Sonntag is the Gemein-Statt in Großalmerode eröffnet.

Großalmerode – If problems arise with the construction and fire protection problems in the past two years, which delayed the plant opening of the Community-Statt in Großalmerode, that time is that long. “The smartest thing was the construction phase, the long lasting one,” said Tanja Noll, the first President of the Community Community, who was born in 2022. However, the Mitglieder could first be unloaded in the right direction.

Eingeload since all Großalmeröder für Sonntag from 11 Uhr in the new Räume, um zu seehen, was in the 100 Quadratmetern, which are located on a Teil des früheren Rewe-Marktes, entstanden. At 4 p.m. the leadership of the Wohl organization and the “Young Marching Band” of the Valentin-Traudt-Schule will play matches. “Von Almeröder für Almeröder”, so lautet das Ziel des Vereins, der langfristig as an institution, which could be observed for the Zusammenhalt in der Stadt beitragen soll.

It is worth determining the cost of cooking correctly, and the Mittagessenkochen are Mittwoch for Kinder and Jugendliche, that is the herbal holiday that come loose. A Handy-Workshop by Joao Azevedo can appeal to the Gemein-Statt activities. You can best endure the time and the fear.

“We were able to bring people to our Großalmerode with our boat,” said Tanja Noll. Der Verein hoffe, dass posslich st all Bürger der Stadt die Gemein-Statt besuchen. Herzlich will see new Mitglieder and Helfer, who Angebote with unterstützen were allowed.

Long-term it is a table that is planted, but it is not worth the expenses for the still fehlenden-kühlschränke. If the largest part of the costs among others Uwe Barchfeld lies, the large costs for the conversion and the average state of the costs are free of the sale steltt. Ohne Uwe Barchfeld was of the project nicht voorstelbar gewesen, I would have the previous step grateful. (zwo)