
Fear of the AfD: Wie Deutschland sich lässt – Meinung

Fear of the AfD: Wie Deutschland sich lässt – Meinung

With Thuringia it is a German Bundesland, in the sense of the time of national socialism a right-wing extremist party at Wahlen with a strong Kraft war. People with migration background are driven, Germany to be replaced. One can quickly be of the opinion that no one means it. If it is so that the man with the sad one has gone through the AfD, the man can keep his arm under the arms – but the media and politics have mistreated Annahmen. Our editor Alexander Roth commentary.

2018 said that the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) said: “The migration question is the mumbling of all the political problems in that country”. There was a war with a reaction to a heavy knife attack in Chemnitz, for the später of a Syrian war. A knife attack, which is carried out by the hunting of migrants and right-wing extremist demos in the city. And so the dams will be able to defend themselves, the war with a Versuch Seehofers, the CSU for the Landtagswahlen in Bavaria will position – and a Wahlerfolg of the AfD will not disappear.