
ZDF Orders Mental Health Series from Network Movie

ZDF Orders Mental Health Series from Network Movie

A new Instant Fiction series has appeared at the ZDF Studios-Tochter Network Movie in Auftrag mode. In the time of the title “75F” the size of Zoe Magdalena is played by main character Ronnie. They are 17, heavy and in a clinic for psychosomatic disorders. If it is clear that this is not the case, this is not the case, but it is Help needed.

In clinical practice it is so that in a certain period of the production “alles vertreten”: Magersucht, Angststörung, Borderline, Depression. Then Ronnie found in the other patients and patients in a family of underdogs, who found the therapy a bit and did their pain in their own lives in their camps. Twenty4Tim and Felix Lobrecht have cameos, ebenfalls for the cameramen Alessandro Schuster, Amadin Piatello, Daria Vivien Wolf, Saron Degineh. Secondly, the consequences of the mental health series are described.

Main narrator Zoe Magdalena is the main author and falls under the Büchern-worker Jasmina Wesolowski and Momo Sinner in Cologne. Director Eline Gehring leads. A choice for the episode is of course still no party. Instant-Fiction program with “75F” will no longer be available for the ZDF mediathek, but for ZDFneo.

After Instant Fiction ended the pandemic, a production weise emerged. If you want to make a series and a fictional series, the media library can determine the time of the production of the production if the Ausstrahlung is changed. These are thematic active themes and debates.