
This game is a scope for the SV Offenhausen

This game is a scope for the SV Offenhausen

Zufrieden looks at Neu-Trainer Johannes Paul at the start of SGM Aufheim/Holzschwang in the Saison der Fußball-Bezirksliga zurück. Seine Mannschaft stops replaying de bisherigen three Spielen Tuchfühlung zur Telefoonspitze. Am Sonntag (15 Uhr) comes with the FV Asch/Sonderbuch alldings ein unangenehmer Gegner nach Holzschwang.

“I am very satisfied with the start. If you have done a run, you can naturally lose. Above all, if a man thinks, he will get the top favorites from Neu-Ulm with a 1:1 started without”, there is a new SGM trainer, who has followed his 31 years through the young years of his life. There is a game played in the high tone and attention that is paid here, it is an intact masculinity event in the new way that went well. Before Giuliano Santoro was there. “A higher class has been played and the experience brought. Davon benefits from the manhood”, said Paul.

With Santoros Erfahrung, among other things, the SGM can stay in the white West in the Sonntag Asch-Sonderbuch. “I have a physical and psychological strength,” so Paul. All kinds of things are the playful qualities of Marco Wörz, Tobias Wallisch, Lars Folcz and Jonas Kirsamer at the Schirm. A stable defense thread was also fragmented.

SGM Senden-Ay played against SV Asselfingen

The Spieltag is ready in the Samstag (3.30 pm) on the sportgelände in Ay de SGM Senden-Ay. Gegner is the SV Asselfingen, now due to the Rückzug of Türkspor Neu-Ulm II the Class stops. When the Sendener Spielgemeinschaft when it comes to the Verlasing of the Platz version, it can become one or another Ohrfeige nach der others. The service supports Assselfingen at SV Eggingen by 1:5.

The TSV Neu-Ulm works on the Sonttag with the SG Altheim and has no right to an application. Die Neu-Ulmer focused on what he would do after the gegenüber. SV Offenhausen tries in the Heimspiel to offer the TSV Blaustein a focused party and to show everything, ultimately in the defensive battle and the title of his legend.