
nShift: Belgisch Unternehmen müssen schnell Handeln, um Anforderungen and Mindestlieferoptionen zu erüllen

nShift: Belgisch Unternehmen müssen schnell Handeln, um Anforderungen and Mindestlieferoptionen zu erüllen


The Belgian online retailer is now doing a new offer on November 16, the opportunity is more options for a great offer. The new company sees the webshops and e-commerce handlers in Belgium on September 21. The e-inzelgändler can choose the charity modality frei, but (at least) one of the options use, is umweltfreundlich sein.

Therefore extended nShiftof the well-known offers in Delivery & Experience Management (DMXM), a new timeless solution, a sole proprietorship that offers their salvation, those new Anforderungen dishes will get a new challenge. Neukunde in Belgium lasts longer than 25% discount on the Subscription a nShift-Lösung.

Sean-Sherwin Smith, Product Director, Post Purchase at nShift, comments: “The new range brings the art and convenience of being an online retailer in Belgium. The new Anforderung-rückt Nachhaltigkeit and Kundenfreundlichkeit in the Mittelpunkt. If the Verenderung der Regulierungslandschaft, the Multi-Carrier-Fähigkeit offers a central role for the Betriebsprozesse of Einzelhändlern einnehmen.

“The problem is a key component of nShift’s bots. Our range of over 1,000 carrier companies offers a large number of sustainable solutions for the last mile. Our checkout function offers many possibilities for buying and selling soft drinks, soft drinks can be found quickly and that will be the case.”

Multi-Carrier Equality

If these changes can perform a simple and efficient reaction, if you cooperate with a partner for the Versandmanagement, it is light of the experience, more Carrier of your beauftragen. You can no longer perform new configurations during the cooperation with the different carriers, but can offer a real Auswahl experience, flexible on weekly business activities and your business management. The Multi-Carrier version can be used as follows:

  • Add more options – Can you find the answers you want?

  • Higher Sand Capacity – This is a way to find a higher solution for your reaction

  • Improved performance and efficiency – Improved performance for your carriers

  • Grenzüberschreitendes Wachstum – international Versand erordert Beziehungen zu Carriern, the relevant Regions abdecken

  • Markenaufbau and Folgeumsätze with Customers – during the changeover control over the Customer Communication

The Multi-Carrier Capability view of the Heart of the nShift DMXM Suite. Enables a different shipping management with a library of over 1000 previous Carrier connections. nShift can connect email handlers and processors to over a million PUDO locations (pick-up/delivery). The automation of the Carrier booking processes and the labeling ensures better processing, more packages with more carriers, with more Carrier purchases and the care you need.

Sherwin-Smith points out: “Company, the new law was hit by a sollten short trade. It comes down to the necessary passages in a certain situation and vernünftigen Weise vorzunehmen. If you work with a partner, the care and comfort provides – be impressed by the extremely friendly Carrier and the high quality of the emission emission. ”

For more information about the offer or a longer time to go, with nShift your company with its Multi-Carrier offer another website can be used.

About nShift

nShift’s Delivery & Experience Management Platform is working on the E-Commerce service. Wait with standard innovation and the large Carrier network across borders. Building with real end-to-end tools, one of the problems on the scaffolding. Vereinheitlichen Sie Daten are useful Recognition, connecting and optimizing the Process. Machen Sie mithilfe von nShift die Lieferung zum wesentlichen Bindeglied zischen Ihrer Marke und Ihren Kunden.

nShift: Weniger Sorgen, more intelligent Versand.

Comments and editing

Laut Artikel VI.45/2 des Wirtschaftsrechts müssen Webshops mindestens wei Love methods offer, a day without environmental friendliness.

This data cannot be used for file management and cannot be combined with other discounts or work combinations. The offer is valid from September 5, 2024, 0:01 AM to December 31, 2024, Midnight.

The full extension delay will cause the display of the contracts. The customer has the possibility, the subscription 90 days after the “Start Date” of the customers. The customer must last at least 14 days. This email does not set a delayed display of the data. The action is golden for the best use of the “Track” service, nor for the possibility with an uninterested “Track” subscription. There are all general provisions of nShift AB. The search engine is golden until November 30, 2023. nShift reserves the right to leave the search engine.

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nShift: Belgisch Unternehmen müssen schnell Handeln, um Anforderungen and Mindestlieferoptionen zu erüllen

James Ellerington:

[email protected] / (+44) 07725 534941

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