
Alte Bauten works in your Pforten

Alte Bauten works in your Pforten

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A wicked chance of accusation: I think that the attack is the best way to seize the chance, the wüstung with Kirchenruine when viewing the case. To secure the fund, the area is being washed away with the earth for the year.
A wicked chance of accusation: I think the attack is the best way to seize the chance, the wüstung with church ruins when viewing the case. To secure the fund, the area is being washed away with earth for the year. © Roland Schrader

Kommenden Sonntag findet der Tag des attacked Denkmals bundesweit statt. Auch im Landkreis Northeim is historically impressive and present itself the Besuchern.

Northeim District – Der 31. Tag des open Denkmals der Deutschen Stiftung Denkmalschutz is based on the motto “Wahr-Zeichen – Zeitzeugen der Geschichte”. Bundesweit loaded beef 6000 Denkmäler zu Entdeckungsreisen in de Vergangenheit ein. We think about the Landkreis Northeim in Sonntag, 8. September, dabei and öffnen ihre Pforten. Next thoughts are reported by the editors.

North End

That CVJM house, Hagenstraße 12 in Northeim dates from the year 1575. The Fachwerkhaus was built in the Spätgotik style. It is better to look at and mirror the North German standard in the blessing-Blütezeit wider. The Schmuckfreudigkeit of these factory workhouses continues in the Vorhangbögen over the Fenstern and in the Ornamentverzierung der Balken to Ausdruck. Das Haus is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Take a look at the time of day at 12, 14 and 16 hours.

The CVJM house in Northeim.
Auf Initiative des Vorsitzenden Rolf Hartje first dabei: Das CVJM-Heim in Northeim aus dem Jahre 1575. © Roland Schrader

The Evangelical Saint-Sixti Church dates from 13. (Vorgängerkirche) to 15. Jahrhundert. It is the largest Spätgothic Hallenkirche Südniedersachsens. Three glocks date from the 13th and 14th centuries, the largest from 1445. The Spätgothic glassware dates from 1478 and is not common in Germany. There is no sacred image of four Darstellungen aus der Passionsgeschichte. The Gloger-Organ was built from 1721 to 1738. Hours are at 14, 15, 16 and 17 hours.

Hard egs

Die Hardegsen Castle has been around for 700 years. Am Sonntag gibt is een öffentliche Führung um 14 Uhr. Treffpunkt is one of the Außentreppe zum Muthaus.

Die Wüstung and Wüstungskirche near Asche aus dem 11. Jahrhundert mit Chorumbau nach 1250. Der Ort wurde im 14. Jahrhundert aufgegeben. Opening hours for the Church and for alternative accommodation can be found at 10 a.m., 12.30 p.m. and 3 p.m. from the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Asche statt. The Dorfgemeinschaftshaus was financed and erklärt. Jewelry in the Anschluss and jede Führung are carried out in a 3-D-Scan of the Kirche-vorgeführt (at 12.30 Uhr, 15 Uhr and 17 Uhr).

At Regen the Veranstaltung must have fallen. It is vermutlich that the church has changed, the ruin after digging the ruins with whom the schüttet is, um zu schützen.


Die Moringen Concentration Camp Memorial remembers three Konzentrationslagers, who lived in other countries from 1933 to 1945. In April 1933 there was a political power grab here. Geführter Rundgang und Blick in de Sammlung zum Frauen-KZ, das von 1933 bis 1938 truce, was reported. In the Zeit fertigten Frauen fell in Handarbeit Alltagsgegenstände, filigree Stickereien and more an. The departures are located at 10, 14 and 15 hours (Dauer: 120 minutes) and start at Lange Straße 58. Here is a notification order, which can be received by e-mail: [email protected] or by telephone: 0 55 54/ 25 20 to 6. September is possible.

The new Schmuckstück von Moringen.
The new Schmuckstück von Moringen: The Sanierung des Ratskellers is quickly absolved. Der Verein “Ratskeller 1489” expressed interest in the Räumlichkeiten. © Roland Schrader

There Ratskeller Moringen Founded in 1736 during the Stadt Moringen as a guest house. 1761 Wurde es Hospital in Siebenjährigen Krieg, 1824 followed an Umbau and 1871 der Verkauf. The 2018 established association “Ratskeller 1489” has been abolished, after 35 years of learning to think about life. It has been healthy since 2020 and there is a cultural center for health care. Das Denkmal an der Lange Str. 1 in Moringen is available from 11 to 16 hours. Führungen find nach Bedarf statt.

North Hardenberg

That House Nörten-Hardenberg is a Fachwerkhaus in Reihenbauweise in the historic Ortskern of Nörten-Hardenberg. The Association for History and Thinking Care in North Hardenberg has the Gebäude uffangreich saniert and as Heimathaus eingerichtet. This is Sonntag von 11 am to 5 pm geöffnet. Um 12 Uhr gibt is a Führung through the historic Ortskern. The Führung durch ausgebildete Fachwerkführer dauert 60 Minuten. Please notify us on September 5 by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at 01 60/90 50 80 70.

Part of the St.-Johannes-Kapelle Lütgenrode is a Wehrturm on 12. Jahrhundert. In the current Masses we lived at 16. Jahrhundert erbaut. Schäden im Mauerwerk und erhebliche Risse in de Wänden wurden im Herbst 2017 met een notsicherung fixiert. Am Sonntag is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. At 11 a.m. you will receive information and information.


That Römerschlachtfeld on the Harzhorn It is a historically significant story and is dated 235/236 after the birth of Christ. The military struggle of the Romans in Germany was fought 200 years after the attack of Arminius at Kalkriese.

The ancient Zeitgenössische Schriftsteller Herodian and the Historia Augusta messages, the Roman Kaiser Maximinus Thrax in 235 years from Mainz in the German area final rank. During the summer of 2008, the Roman-Germanic Schlachtfeld am Harzhorn started with the message for the message. Das Schlachtfeld is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kurzführungen (30 Minuten Länge) take place from 11.15 am to 3.15 pm all 30 minutes statt.


That Village cinema Katlenburg im ehemaligen Kinosaal an der Osteroder Straße 5, says from 18 Uhr Filme (Super 8 and Normal 8) and videos from the past 70 years and Dias vom Heimatfest 1912.


That Kalibergbaumuseum in Volpriehausen at 2 p.m. there was a historic run on the state of the calibergbaus and the unidentified ammunition factory. Start is at the Museum, Wahlbergstraße 1. The Ortsrundgang dauert zweieinhalb Stunden and costs for Erwachsene 5 Euro and Children 2 Euro. Notifications of inheritance orders, Tel. 0 55 73/5 55 or 0 55 73/12 57.


Die Old Synagogue in Einbeck is a um 1800 erbauter schlichter, einstöckiger Fachwerk-Saalbau and steht in zweiter Reihe in der Baustraße. The family of the Alte Synagogue is in the years when common sense is considered and will last until 2022. It is an ort of the start and the crimes of dialogues. Am Sonntag ist der Bau von 11 bis 17 Uhr geöffnet. At 5 p.m. the concert begins with the 90-minute concert of the Ensembles “Sospiratem”.

Die Mauer der hochmittelalterlichen Castle Green Wurde in the past two years by the city of Einbeck to make healthy. The day of the violations is a first step towards the rehabilitation of the health, the Burghof and the Bergfried that you can view. This is possible on Sunday from 10 to 16 o’clock. Information about the court of the Burg, the preparation and the method of monumental dishes was presented.

The 1686 founded Salty Sülbeck it was 250 years ago that the industrial development of the region took place before it went into competition in the 1950s. The Museum „Oberer Bohrturm“ is dedicated to the history of salt mining in the Leinetal and offers a great travel experience and modern flair. The Saline am Salinenplatz in Sülbeck is open from 10:30 to 17:00. Next to the leaders, the visitor’s square is closed for refreshment and relaxation. A small antique flea market is also available for bubbling.

I started on 13. Jahrhundert started the work on the other St. Alexandria Collegiate Church. They end up at a foundation with a Kollegiatstift from Grafen Dietrich II. von Katlenburg from 1082 zurück. From 1850 onwards, the Church of the Allgemeinen Hannoverschen Klosterfonds, der von der Klosterkammer Hannover was established. Enjoyment was made by St. Alexandri von der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Einbeck. From 2023 onwards, the final steps were taken and the South Fassade Instandgesetzt. When flying over the Baustelle information about the Klosterkammer Hannover about the Instandsetzungsarbeiten, Start is from 11.15 Uhr stündlich until 16.15 Uhr am Gerüst vor der Südfassade.