
British Police will train in Schlafen

British Police will train in Schlafen

Gebrochene Knochen, Gehirnerschütterungen, Kopfverletzungen – als Polizisten vergangenes Monat in nordenglischen Rotherham a Flüchtlingsunterkunft for Krawallmachern schützten wurden 51 von ihnen themselves lost. While Notting Hill Carnival was plagued by politicians at the end of August 75: they might enjoy a sexual miss from one person, another has to be called into the Krankenhaus. But we should pay attention to the British Police and the Tax Border. 2023 was reported to be 40,330 Surpluses on the Police Office – that is due to 110 Angriffe pro Tag.

This gewalterfahrung hat swinging Folgen. Years ago I insgesamt 14,508 Beamten weigh Stress, Depression, Anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorders, reports of Daily Express.

Am Limit: British Polizei wants to train in Schlafen

This number is no longer new in 2022, but is an increase of 130 percent in comparison for eleven years.

71 Prozent more Krankmeldungen in Manchester

The most reports of illness are in the West Midlands (1,128), followed by Scotland (1,110) and Greater Manchester (1,028 reports). In Manchester, the reports have risen to 71 percent in one year. All three regions are much higher in the crime rate, for everything related to bandactivities, commercial crime and drug addiction.

Am Limit: British Polizei wants to train in Schlafen

One of the main concerns of the study and trust in the interests of the US government, which has the political service “Oscar Kilo” with the John Moore University in Liverpool and the police in Merseyside-Liverpool, has launched a project: the woolen politicians of the Schlafen relations.

“We know that physical and physical problems can be solved,” says the responsible police chairman of Liverpool, Merseyside, Jenny Sims. “Deshalb wollen unseren Beamten und Mitarbeitern helfen, ihren Schlaf better zu control.”

A woman lies with training shoes in the bet.

From strengthening the power of the Sleeping Order a long time would be shortened. Research of the University of Otago has now no refinancing, the short, light activities to better sleep could lead.

The next day becommen 65 Prozent der British Polizeibeamten weniger as sechs Stunden Schlaf pro Nacht. A study of the Universität Surrey with the Schlafzentrum of the Washington State University ergab, which is 50 Prozent van Polizisten und a more diagnostic Schlafstörung lead.

Knifemaker and writers

In concrete terms, the project involved politicians being tested for 120 days with a BioStrap device, one of the frequency variables, frequency, writing and writing styles of your messenger. This is due to the online resources and videos of British Sleep and Erholungs experts Nick Littlehales. There are explanations about the four chronotypes (from early morning to late at night) that sleep is ideal and that the Zirkadiane Rhythmus des Menschen is postponed, in the Dunkelphase an optimal a Schlaf en Erholung and in the Hellphase an Optimal a Leistung zu ermöglichen.

Insgesamt 700 Personen have taken the Mittlerweile and dem Schlafproframm teilmenmen and first analyzes, the App of the Polizisten for all Druck nimmt: See you tomorrow in your Schlafdaten herunterlädt, there are Polizistin Amanda, zwinge sich nicht more jeden Tag zum gleich managers Training, without any passe es an ihr jeweiliges Energy level an. One of the leaders of politics, who has an anonymous power, half of the app with the power of power: during the Beobachten blessing it was possible that you Ruhe deordnen, the well-known war, a faster wieder you would become.

The leadership group in Liverpool was now a project for more than 27 police services.