
If your passion is in the kitchen, you can use a green Tea trinket

If your passion is in the kitchen, you can use a green Tea trinket

Grüner Tee has no power anymore, but it is not that it is healthy. If you see a bag, you can do the positive influence on the kitchen – this can be a negative aspect.

Coffee is the best choice and the Wachmacher is bad. What many unearth, is green tea. If you get that power, it is still not the case. It is a good idea to boost the immune system. It is not all that Superdrink can be.

9 Effects – These edits have a green T-piece on the body

Better Stimulation

Grüner Tee loves the active substances Dopamin and Noradrenaline – this basis is no longer the concentration, but can be fortunate. The enthaltene amino acid L-Theanine works like this.

Beautiful head and hair

Zinc is a component of the contents of wider stands in the higher and hair area. The hair wax is fortified and sorted on a healthy Haut. Zinc cap is positive on the fingernail.

Protection against diseases

It is a green tea that contains Flavonoids. These compounds with the substances in the human kitchen can cause credits to be diverted so that they can develop. You can increase the risks for heart-circulation illnesses and strengthen the immune system. If you use a greener T-shirt, the components of the product are used. Aufgrund seiner Frische has green tea also has a very high vitamin content.

Grüner Tee has power and is high in the air

Grüner Tee loves coffee and is a Wachmacher. The central nervous system gets damn angry. Dadurch wird die Leistungsfähigkeit deutlich erhöht.

Grüner Tee works at the Körper

In traditional Chinese medicine, green tea is considered a soothing drink. Therefore, you drink it together in warm, well-being. Green tea is especially good and is called summer days for relaxation. When finding a few people sitting on a black T-shirt, it is not possible.

Healthy Weight – Abnehmen mit grünem Tee

The added antioxidants are no longer active in the Heart Soundness, but can possibly be used in Abnehmen. The concentration of the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and the reduction of the ‘guten’ HDL cholesterol ensure that less hunger occurs, who Gala message – furthermore the Fettverbrennung angers. The Catechinian tragedy is that Bauchfett is reduced. It is a matter of no knowledge whatsoever.

Schöne Zähne – das Getränk ze Karies den Kampf an

There is talk of – who a black T-shirt – when it comes to life, the right fell Fluoride dear. And if the positive result has appeared on the day, Karies can resist. A liter green T-piece is suitable for seeing and sorting 1 to 2 milligrams of fluoride, who Warentest Foundation schreibt. Laut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung since 3.1 Milligrams of Fluorid in a woman and 3.8 Milligrams in a Mann am Tag angemessen.

Grüner Tee against Bluthochdruck

Green Tee can cause a bruise. There has been some research. It is possible that the Catechin is responsible. That is also the risk for a heart attack and a fall. The man is only of the opinion that the quality of the green shirts is eight.

A negative question – Grüner Tee kan Leberschäden verursachen

Grüner Tee has a great positive influence on the human kitchen and is gilded when it is good. A negative effect is given: the effect of higher levels and catechins is more than 800 milligrams per tag – there can be Leberschäden performed. Be warned of the European assessment of life expectancy in the year 2018. We can not help but be critical, which is unclear.