
We sincerely fail: We are happy with this experience!

We sincerely fail: We are happy with this experience!

Generation Z is often preoccupied with the Faulheit confrontation. Let young people with their resilience get an image of their critical needs. Jetzt could perform this in the general analysis.

Nina Füreder, Scientific Manager at the Institute for Transformative Change of Johannes-Kepler-Uni Linz, describes a current situation: ‘The 20 to 25 year olds were often described as failures, although they were very happy with their time and experience. häufiger de Job wechseln. Dahinter supports another possible strategy for critical understanding.”

In one of the most recent projects, a project was carried out by Füreder and Charlotte Förster with a critical strategy of corporate bonds in healthcare. “Difficulties and crises are present by default – whether due to the physical and mental burden on personal privacy, they are due to the protection of digitalization processes or the severe divorces that management forces face in the situation in which the Covid-19 pandemic is taking place,” said Füreder.

At the end of one of the theories of others, the theories of both authors are resumed in an empirical investigation, while the criticism and another strategy lasts a long time.

Optimistic in Burn-out

A more important concept is resilience. There has never been a situation described that is anticipated and complicated, whereby the results can flow from the following steps and learning processes. “A gift is the acceptance resilience, which is accompanied by optimism and flexibility, among other things. If you experience problems, you have to regulate the situation. These strategies can be developed by other generations. If the situation lasts longer, this strategy can develop and a burnout can begin.”

The Alternative is Change Resilienz, which you. A. have been designated by Public for new experiences. “If you can gain your own insight, the situation is no longer possible and the Change that motivates, for example, Job Change is possible. For the company, it requires increased knowledge and a high fluctuation. Relational resistance is a strategy that will ensure that everyone in young people will find it.”

Frühe Sign does not ignore

“Together with our teams, we will be happy and we can recognize our success, and we will be happy to recognize them,” Füreder insists. “Quick immersion is a warning sign. At Covid-19 hat man diese zu lange negoriert bzw. fehleingeschätzt.”

Zusätzlich müssen Gesundheitseinrichtungen der Belegschaft Angebote für Veränderungen innerhalb der Organization machen: Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Weiterbildung, Schulung, Nieuwe Rolen or Aufgaben. Und: “Gonz wichtig in Krisen since Netzwerke. Der Schlüssel can best come out of the closet. Communal management is often a problem, but there are unnoticed Berufsgruppen and Hierarchie-Ebenen – Führungskräfte, Ärzte, Pflege usw. – committed sin. People know themselves within their own houses, but they are always welcome.”

Training for the right Kristen

One of the organizations can use resilience training to help Krisenmanagement. “The situation in which a person is confronted is particularly sensitive to the situation, the man is always aware of his knowledge,” explains the Wirtschaftsforscherin.


Resilience It is one of the physical understandings, the knowledge of the development psychology is known, one that is clear, which children can be more confident in their future.

In active organizational and management research it is a great challenge, redeveloped situations and crises are not very disturbing, but also theirs. Soul is, or in turbulent times to remain healthy and productive.

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