
Online reports – Gesellschaft – Asylbewerber Mohammad A.: “Meine Gefühle sind gestorben”

Online reports – Gesellschaft – Asylbewerber Mohammad A.: “Meine Gefühle sind gestorben”

© Photo by Anna Wegelin,

“I have no problems”: Asylum worker Mohammad Azzari

If the Afghan population from the Basel area has been in the process of being admitted to asylum for 32 months,

By Anna Wegelin

It may be that the long term of the processing of asylum cases by the Federal Office for Migration is longer personal. But the Afghan Mohammad Azzari* still benefits from this more Massnahme. The 28-year-old asylum seekers from the Basel area may well be busy for years processing paperwork, which can occur in one of the unhindered situations.

Mohammad Azzari speaks tadelloses Hochdeutsch. It is the first time that we are in the Schweiz and do not want to use another free time. OnlineReports has the 28-year-old asylum seekers in the Basel area in the “Asylum Seekers Treatment Center of the Basel Region” (BAS) to the outbreak of war and hardening in the night, to the end of the asylum separation issued. The BAS can be found in the Nähe des Spalentors in Basel.

The idiosyncratic behavior of the sanftmütig works Mann with baseball cap, ear jewelry and loose attachments another name as dejenigen, it is a heute meeting point. If you like it, is a hasara zum Vater zu haben. The Persian practice of Hasara is an ethnic and a professional minority and was in Afghanistan with an offer of discrimination, further than the paschtunische Elite.

Mohammad floh als Dreijähriger with his Eltern and funf Geschwistern nach Iran. It’s a shame that the family that has to settle in its home and country in Afghanistan doesn’t get better. The house is one of the most common things that are being used by the Wohnort, “ween meinem Vater”, so Mohammad, der “für ich weiss nicht genau was” active gewesen sei.

The honor lost

If Mohammad waits his whole life, then stir the mumbling in a traffic accident. If the bomb is split on the back, it is in the war in Afghanistan so big that he never comes back and takes off a few years later. And then: Mohammad’s smaller Schwester, the damals have never been so old, but not from the Schule nach Hause. If a week is financed by the Strasse. It is a matter of four men in a car discharge. “Sie machten mit ihr, was sie wollten”, according to Mohammed: “Bei uns plays die Ehre eine central Role.”

The work of the police has been reported. If it doesn’t work anymore, there is a step in the right direction and there is a reflection. “Ich wurde als ein Tier praat, weil ich Afghane bin.” The fact is that it is a group that has never found a solution: “Ich habe ja kaum in meinem Land gelebt.”

Always on the run

“Wir hatten immer Angst”, there appears to be a lot of emotion behind their feelings: “I was able to survive during the flight and hated it, even if it was.” Jetzt, it is the zermürbende warten on a finite asylentscheid. It lasts two years and the bare eight months are in Geduld. “I will live!”, he said with excessive force. Er is ausgeschnet, wie velde Tage, Stunden, Minuten er schon gewartet habe: “Manchmal Denke ich, jetzt I was alongsam verrückt.”

No things have been done and will die by the “Link zum Beruf” machine, a Lehrangebot for erwachsene Personen from the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, who receive a national debt to the cantons in Basel-Landschaft. “Aber ich habe ja gar keine Zukunft”, er meint schulterzuckend.

When the blessing was launched in Switzerland in November 2009, there was no enthusiasm or zest for life yet. Damal’s muss is his German expertise: for everything in Selbststudium, aber auch mit Unterstützung of Afghan Friends in the region and in Sprachkursen in Kleinbasler Internet café “Planet 13” and “in a Church at the Haltestelle Habermatten in Riehen”, so in the jungle Mann, it is not a Muslim religious practice. But if you are happy with it, there is nothing wrong with it: “If I live happily ever after.”

Fear of the information table

Mohammad had an N-Bewilliging and lived in a Durchgangsheim for Asylsuchende. Every time, if it is a secret information table with an overview of the mail for the insassen, erzählt is, an überkomme with a tight connection: the tension and the end of the asylum divorce ein.

If Mohammad in the Switzerland camp hinted at a more Odyssey, who died in the Berge in Turkey, the country in Griechenland and with the Schiff to Italian geführt and in the time of an obdachlosen gemacht-hatte. There is a war with the things that happened in little Schwester: a friend of Mohammad has taken control of the country in Istanbul. Der Freund wurde voor de Weiterreise nach Griechenland von der Polizei aufgegriffen. Von Mohammad’s smaller Schwester fehlt bis heute jede Spur. Aber Mohammad is überzeugt, that’s what he is in Europe, “feeling in Baku”, living among others.

“Das Schlimmste ist, du weisst nicht, was kommt”, described is a momentary Lage. There is a lot, the best from the situation of the machine, says Azzari, from the vorgeschriebenen Nichtstun auch entgegenwirkt, indem er in de Containern der Ekumenischen Seelsorge für Asylsuchende beim Zoll Otterbach as Freiwilliger aushilft: “Für Menschen da zu sein, denen es veld schlechter geht als mir, hilft, meine eigene Situation zu vergessen”, erzählt there.

Was Mohammad when the final Asylum Separation was effective? “I am looking for my sister,” he replies.

* Richter Name der Redaktion bekannt

June 7, 2012