
Krasse Wende at AfD-Chefin: Höcke inst wie Hitler, jetzt der ideal Mann

Krasse Wende at AfD-Chefin: Höcke inst wie Hitler, jetzt der ideal Mann

The Landtagswahl in Thuringia plays out for the AfD as a fuller Erfolg. The 30-percent Schallmauer would have gone through the brochen – a grateful laissez-faire policy from Berlin. Party leader Weidel has chosen Spitzenkandidaten for the Erfolg – ​​who will no longer have their own property from the Party yards. Percent points can work blindly mechanically. A commentary.

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The AfD is becoming clearer in the Thuringia-Wahl, but it will no longer be Zweifel. Higher estimates see the party at 33.1 percent, the CDU lies with 23.6 percent in the second rank. One of the leaders of the Spitzenkandidaten for Christian Democracy, Mario Voigt, has the best chance of the post of prime minister in his life. Der Grund: The common parties have closed a cut with the vom Verfassungsschutz as the right-wing extremist AfD Thuringia.

AfD chef Alice Weidel wants to undermine the CDU and bypass the CDU. “The electorate could form a coalition with the AfD and the CDU,” says ZDF. Man was “rolled out” by hand – but a bruch with its own share could not be accomplished with those words. Let the AfD go on the CDU’s list of incompatibility.

AfD-Chefin experiences plötzlichen Sinneswandel

When I’m in the world, the CDU is for his gains, the name Björn Höcke. “Of course I stop Herrn Höcke for a geeigneten Ministerpräsidenten. If Herr Höcke doesn’t want anymore, it’s not like the Mehrheiten are stabilized”, he is it. Zweifel and a seiner Persoon makes no sense. An ultimate decision in the Anschluss and the Thuringia-Wahl.

Jumps man has been swimming for a few years, but go differently! In January 2017, the AfD Federal Prince will compete with the Thuringian Chief of State for the will of the Tür Setzen. Grund war unter meerm eine Rede in Dresden, bij welcher Höcke im Hinblick auf da Holocaust-Mahnmal said: “Wir Deutschen, als user Volk, sind des einzige Volk der Welt, das sich ein Denkmal der Schande in des Herz seiner Hauptstadt gepflanzt hat. “The Bombardierung von Dresden began with the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If all goes well, the AfD Vorstanden attack will die by a Nazi Parolen.

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Alice Weidel, the mothers who were in the Parteivorstand, executed an agreement with the Party and brought an Ausschlussverfaren on the Road. In the eingereichten Papier, “an übergrosse Nähe zum Nationalsozialismus” was specifically designed. This “diskreditiert de Gesamtpartei” is. Höckes Aussagen have the feeling that they were financed “in Wahlkampfreden von Adolf Hitler in the year 1932”. Höcke performs as “Führer, der seinen Anhängern einen Weisen kann”. Krasse Vorwürfe, geragen von Weidel.

A few years later – and with a few more points to her name – Alice Weidel will not erase Hitler’s Vergleichen. I am a member. Some of the criticism of the country’s chief is a stellte sich jungst schützend for him. “Ich mage es einfach nog mal helderstellen. There is a great chance that there is a Spitzenkandidaat. Power is a regressive path”, as it will be in May. This is the following description. Exciting, one of the sinful walks is one of the most successful products, but can also run out.

The Weidel Höcke de Rücken begins, can be about a self-interest. If you make a hole in the boot, you can strengthen your internal power position.