
Triberg: Gymnasium is suitable for den Schulstart

Triberg: Gymnasium is suitable for den Schulstart

Triberg – Property of no debt – but the debt for the debtor is a debt that can no longer lie with the Arbeit. At the Schwarzwald-Gymnasium Triberg (SGT) it is a fact that one of the few hours of free time because in the preparation of the coming Schuljahr, the debt of Schuleiter Oliver Kiefer. There is a stellvertreter of Tatjana Goschkowski, Schulsecretärin Christa Schmidt, Markus Stier or Tobias Herr, one of the few who is there, everything for the Schulstart on Monday, September 9, fertig zu machen.

Markus Stier has signed the stundenplane, which has made his Freitag alle Schüler online. Tobias Herr brought the software installation to the Laufen. “All debts have a Uralt-Software „Allgemeine Schülerverwaltung“, where Tücken were lived. Now this is a new way of working, that is why we work hard,” says Kiefer.

Thanks to a reclaimed Teams are man ready for everything. If the first time the G8 is connected to the G9, a problem has arisen – for all years, the year comes that there are a number of years tormented. „Our classrooms in the Altbau can be targeted on a smaller scale. If you want to get more insight, you can contact our debt counselors“, so Kiefer continues. If so, it is ‘Business as Usual’.

Besonders man sich am Gymnasium darauf, on Dienstag, September 10, the new Fünftklässler understand zu dürfen. Obwohl in der Raumschaft de Schülerzahlen in der Jahrgangsstufe fünf overall sunken seien, freue is ich, dass both fünften Classes met insgesamt 50 Mädchen and Jungen kommen. If you have a “Willkommenswoche” in the first place, you will know the guilt of the debt. “The Tag of the Einschulung is a Tag that will be changed, power Sinn – then all ‘alten Schüler’ is taken care of, and with the Time, that Neulinge will come zu heißen,” says Kiefer.

Of course, it is so that the first irritation comes from the person, while the man does not do all the new things that occur in the classmates. If you get a “Best-Buddy” arrangement, while the student is a Mitschüler, with which he will fall together with wool. For the students of the same class, the focus lies brightly on the preparation for their final exams.

Für Kiefer und Seine Mannschaft are ergreulich: “I am a new debt with my lehrkräften versorgt en können trotz Lehrermangels sogar velde Arbeitsgemeinschaften anbieten”, frut sich Kiefer. Of course, the light target is focused on the fact that it will be a new Schach- and a Darts-AG that the Schülern wanted. Abgänge aus dem Kollegium habe man gut compensation können.

While the debtor and others said the following: ‘Der Digitalpakt started a year ago – and politics has never brought a Digi-Pakt 2.0 to the market. I have the feeling that the man has never appeared, but digitalization has become possible, before he has experienced the entire Bundes-series.’ wir sind gerklich gut aufstellt. It lies now in other words, that dies so bleibt. I think that the entire region can achieve its SGT status. We have engaged employees and great friends”, so Kiefer withdraws.

Older school leavers

The SGT works from the Ministry of Culture as one of the 18 general images of the gym, Tablets in the contents of the manual. 2018 and 2019 would have undergone the last lessons with iPads, which were new to this class. The devices must be taken with the house. These media competence and critical ability are thus protected.