
Microsoft Word: Inhalte einfügen-Dialog wieder with Strg + Alt + V aufrufen

Microsoft Word: Inhalte einfügen-Dialog wieder with Strg + Alt + V aufrufen

Gewünschte Tastenkombination festlegen

Microsoft Word, Inhalte einfügen, Tastenkombination, Shortcut, Strg+Alt+V, wiederherstellen

Thomas Rieske

Danach platzieren Sie den Cursor im Feld New flavour combination and drücken gleichzeitig die Tasten Strg + Alt + V. Click the Zuordnen button to display the bottom button.

Closed configuration window

Microsoft Word, Inhalte einfügen, Tastenkombination, Shortcut, Strg+Alt+V, wiederherstellen

Thomas Rieske

Under Current flavors there appears now no new choice on the standard shortcut, it is not possible to make the wired connection. The total picture has not become more. If everything you want to do is done, you will notice that others can not benefit from what has happened.

Test the weight of the flavor combination

Microsoft Word, Inhalte einfügen, Tastenkombination, Shortcut, Strg+Alt+V, wiederherstellen

Thomas Rieske

So that you can check it out, use the shortcut so it functions better. Dazu drücken Sie Strg + Alt + V and go to the Dialogbox Enter Insert with the various options see more.

Products: The Trick function with all active versions of Microsoft Word for Windows. In other cases, progress may differ.