
Vladimir Putin praises: This new video shows off Putin’s Panzer-Pleite with enthusiasm

Vladimir Putin praises: This new video shows off Putin’s Panzer-Pleite with enthusiasm

Russia’s military struggle on the Schlachtveld is enormous. Jüngst hat Wladimir Putin founded the next Panzer-Pleite. Videoaufnahmen said, who the Ukraine dem Kremlchef threatens another armored scramble.

  • Vladimir Putin Führt seit February 2022 Krieg gegen die beachbarte Ukraine
  • Ukraine climbs Russians-Armor to Selydowe
  • Aktuelle Videoaufnahmen mature Putin’s Panzer-Pleite

Since February 2022, Russian President Wladimir Putin will lead an Angriffskrieg against the oppressive Ukraine. Thanks to the Hilfe des Westens, for all the Waffen and Munitions services, the Ukrainian serpent ergolgreich can cause the Russian invasion of the Wehr-setzen.

Ukraine-Krieg aktuell: Ukrainian Streitkräfte erbeuten Putin-Panzer

There are no Kriegsgerät from France, the United States, Germany and other Western Nations from Ukraine to Sieg. If Russian armored cars are placed on Ukrainian pages, while the Ukrainian Truppen, Russia uses the Fahrzeuge zu Stehlen. So it may be that Ukraine uses Putin-Panzer-freuen another time.

Further messages from them Ukraine-War Find it here:

Wladimir Putin demoted – Video sieges Panzer-Pleite

Whoever posted the post-Osteuropean Media Group Nexta at X (formally Twitter) message, has shown the Ukrainian Armed Forces after Selydowe another Russian Panzer attack. “If the edge of the city is south of Pokrovsk, I find an unterrific gang, that is a brutal Brennpunkt camp in the city,” Nexta at X explains.

Ukraine clambers Vladimir Putin’s tank

A genau diesem Punkt seien laut Nexta am Mittwoch two Russian Panzerfahrzeuge with its Infantry rattled by a Ukrainian T-64 under Beschuss. A Tag später seien the Ukrainian schließlich zurückgehrt and hätten the Putin-Panzer clambered. In Videoaufnahmen the Nexta veröffentlichte, ist der Angriff und der Raubzug der Ukraïnen deutlich zu recognise.

Videos from the Ukraine-Krieg im Netz – Aufnahmen from the Krieg now here Click here

What man should consider: If the Russian troops find the Ukraine-War, they are no longer in the battlefield, but in the social network state. In addition, so many videos, photos and drone-raisings from a war platform were shared in the network. If you get an image of the Gräueltaten of the wars, this is a click that appears. All kinds of things are both sides, so Russia and the Ukraine, with propaganda tools. Hanging a message is no longer possible.

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