
Harz: Feuer am Brocken – Entwarnung nicht in Sicht

Harz: Feuer am Brocken – Entwarnung nicht in Sicht

In the Harz, a brand focuses on the following Brockens investments. Helfer müssen Hunderte Menschen vom höchsten Berg des Mittelgebirges holen. Entwarnung is not in Sicht – im Gegenteil.

The big forest fire on the high mountain in the Harz will become more intense with the air and the ground is forced – with hub screws, airplanes and many fire engines. If the districts have a free time, it is a great challenge to go to work in the Brocken without control and knitting, that is unhindered. Many brands state that it is good and that it is a big fire front stand, this is a low price. Saturday morning wants the Einsatzleitung an overblick is delivered and that we will enjoy again, teilte de Leitstelle Harz mit.

Großfeuer am Königsberg ausgebrochen

Real estate agent Kramer said about the Deutschen Presse-Agentur: “The THW is the way to build and the bridge to be re-routed, because of the light of the life on the ground, we can still see it.” Minutes, because the flames are not available anymore. For Samstag, four Löschflugzeuge and sechs Löschhubschrauber angefordert begefordert, so Kramer. In the night there must be some kind of fire fighting force, whereby a small amount of protection can be achieved for fire escapes.

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Before we let the years weigh the catastrophes of the Harz district, the fires on the Brocken have died out. Whoever is like that, is again the Königsberg has hit – a Nebenkuppe des Brockens.

About 500 people were brought to Security in Freitagnachmittag with buses from Brocken. It trades with tourists, wanderers and athletes, such as a Sprecher from the Landkreises Harz. The road to Brocken is gold plated as one of the most important routes on Wanderweg in the Harz National Park. Grundsätzlich ist das Gelände sehr schwer zugänglich.

No danger of shooting

If tourists believe that the only kilometer of the Fire area is a good choice, the best of this time, like Kramer. The wind does not blow the fire front in the direction of the place. “We will not cause us any worries.”

If the area in the National Park is closed, all changes around the Brocken will be absagt, the area of ​​the region. The population will come forward, Straßen and Zufahrtswege rund a Schierke and the Brocken freizuhalten and the Einsatzkräfte nicht to the rear. The Harzer Narrow Gauge Railways (HSB) are connected to the roads of the Waldbrandes, the Strecke Zwitsers Three Annen Hohne and the Brocken Sperrt ist. Let’s get back to normal care. Brocken photographs the city of Wernigerode and the Harz district together with Einsatzstab.

Harz: Gleiche Brandstelle for two years

Before you quickly move on for a few years, go to the active Brandstelle which has a Löscheinsatz roads and Waldbrandes. It is necessary to use loose fittings and two Italian loose fittings to fit the Einsatz damals. Das Feuer war Anfang September 2022 am Goetheweg nahe dem Aussichtspunkt Goethebahnhof entdeckt zijn.

Weitere Waldbrände in Saxony-Anhalt

It is the forest fire event in the new parts of Saxony-Anhalt very high. On the Truppenübungsplatz on the Altmark there is a place where a fire takes place, the heath has burned relatively large quantities, while a speaker from the firefighting center of the army is spoken. Strong winds continue to blow the fire, so that it spreads across 144 hectares of surface. If you use the spray, the brand gel can be used.

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One of the Freitagmittags under Waldbrand in Oranienbaum detaches a living area and an ammunition-laden fläche from a Großeinsatz der Feuerwehr out. Also the Schloss Oranienbaum is not in the fire area. After the city had gone out of leisure, there were 180 kräfte in Einsatz, a fireman who was brought to the hospital. The losses can remain unchanged during the night.