
As Mama in Paris: Mit welchen Problemen Hamburgs Paralympics-Star konfrontiert

As Mama in Paris: Mit welchen Problemen Hamburgs Paralympics-Star konfrontiert

Suddenly Edina Müller must have dropped. “I can’t take my son with me”, says the German female pilot at the Paralympic Games in Paris. The soldiers have to improvise, one of the most important training for their medical mission is to be able to train.

“A physiotherapist must warn with his rausgehen and on the parking lot for two hours, until a fruitful war. For the sake of luck, good weather, if they both had a screen, reported Müller about the ‘unreliable situation’, if son Liam (5) has to go back to school.

Childcare at the Paralympic Games not and Day

Black and white Müller with a healthy lifestyle Nico and a shared apartment in Vaires-sur-Marne near the water sports stadiums. Our partner is working from the home office during the summer, it is a couple of children’s regrets. This gab is a jenem Tag aber nicht.

As a performance athlete, the Mutter regularity confronts with such problems, as in other wettkämpfen. Müller wants to give more information, but in the past years it may have gone positively. “The passion fell into the background and it became a conversation, but it did not happen that it was affected by Müttern and Vätern,” said Müller.

The fun Paralympic Games first started with Leichtathletin Gesa Felicitas Krause, the year in which they mumbled while this theme was spoken. “I wrote about my problems, which I have enjoyed for years,” said the 41-year-old Müller, who won the Gold Medal in London in 2012 on Rollstuhlbasketball and in 2021 in Tokyo in Kajak-Einer.

The US is taking advantage of Europe, who can function

Muller positively recommends the area for children and parents in the Paralympic village. The space can be a man for a stunde booken. “That’s a start. The money from the Sache is very noticeable, but it’s not that it’s not like that,” Muller said.

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The hamburgers produced in the United States are attractive when sold. “This means that both children can be well cared for and have a living environment, so they can still sleep and sleep,” Müller explains. Nach Paris nahmen manche Athletes in Kinder schweren Herzens first gar nicht mit.

Who the German Leichtathletin Lindy Ave. Die 26-Jährige ließ ihren zweijährigen Sohn beihrer Mutter. “Everything we want to strengthen even more,” said an interview with “GQ-Magazin”. Auch Schwimm-Paralympics-Siegerin Tanja Scholz brought his three children with her niece.

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Edina Müller began her search for the most exciting mehraufwands. “That’s my main job, that’s everything here that’s organized and organized,” said that in the Hoffnung, that was finally ready in the Zukunft. (aw/she)