
McDonald’s has a new plan and a new plan

McDonald’s has a new plan and a new plan

McDonald’s does not see any Wachstumspotenzial on the German market and will build Angebot more vigorously. “We are looking forward to seeing more of our customers in Germany,” said the Finanzvorstand von McDonald’s Deutschland, Christoph Gehrig, in the Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe.

This year, 25 restaurants with jewels, around 50 employees were opened and around 1,250 jobs were created. In the following three years, the expansion period will last for 75 new years. In 2027, more than 10,000 new jobs will have been created.

McDonald’s: Fast-Food-Gigant will launch Drive-In-Standorte

Mittelfristig sollen laut Gehrig 500 new Schnellrestaurants in Deutschland were opened, in particular a high-frequency standorten, and an Autobahnen or in Bahnhöfen. “If we are no longer on the Autobahn of the Drive-In-Standorte, Deutschland is still not a car country. I’m not, that’s completely different,” said Gehrig.

Dabei was involved in the investment in E-Mobility. So see a 600 of the 1,050 Drive-In-Restaurants Stromtankstellen installed. It can happen that Drive-ins with zwei statt what is better with an Autospur car test.

De Mitarbeitergewinnung bezeichnete Gehrig als herausfordernd en plädierte voor een Abbau von Einstellungshürden: „Wir beschäftigen Menschen aus more as 160 Ländern. Gerade on the theme “Einstellung von Geflüchteten sehen wir ausbaupotenzial, was the reduction of bürokratischen Hürden betrifft”, he said. Laut eigenen Angaben hat das Unternehmen in Deutschland derzeit more than 1,400 Restaurants with over 65,000 Customers.

Also read here: Disaster Order at McDonald’s Frauen get plötzlich Chicken Nuggets for 260 Euro

Digital order forms on the SB Terminals or the app could play a greater role. Zugleich versprach der Finanzvorstand: “In our restaurants one would be able to order more in the dining room and enjoy the bar, so long as our guests die.”

Derzeit bestelten 80 Prozent der Gäste im Restaurant bereits über SB-Terminals, 6 Prozent per App en nur noch 14 Prozent am Tresen.(dpa)