
Thering führt CDU as Spitzenkandidat in Bürgerschaftswahl

Thering führt CDU as Spitzenkandidat in Bürgerschaftswahl

In half a year the Hamburgische Bürgerschaft will be new. The CDU wants to be reborn again in the wind. The Wahl-spike candidates fell out of German.

The CDU sees Dennis Thering as lead candidate in the Citizenship election on the 2nd of March in the coming year. A land-retreat assembly would be the 40-year-old land and faction chairmen with a handsome 92 percent on the Landesliste. 100 of 109 eligible votes to mind, eight of them, are an Enthaltung.

The CDU is building a Rathaus with Dreikampf

On the Listenplatz the first kürzlich of the FDP would be for the CDU’s Bürgerschaftsabgeordnete Anna von Treuenfels-Frowein gewählt. Sie erhielt knapp 80 Prozent Zustimmung.

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Platz drei ging mit fast 88 Prozent Ja-Stimmen und Bürgerschaftsvizepräsident André Trepoll. All three of the first places where the candidates are gewählt. Insgesamt sollen bei de Vertreterversammlung in der Handwerkskammer 60 Listen- und four Nachrückerplätze vergeben.

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Before he was Wahl, Thering participated in an emotional part of a “Dreikampf” with SPD and Grünen. “The CDU Hamburg is wieder da”, says a word about the good interests and Wahlergebnisse at the District and European Wahlen. “Without taking flight and getting a heart – and removing, civil society will come onto the market in the coming years.” The CDU is “the only alternative to those rotten green walls in the Hamburg City Hall”. (dpa)