
Hand in Hand zeeammen für Bönen is a new Verein

Hand in Hand zeeammen für Bönen is a new Verein

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  3. Beans

Hand in Hand zeeammen für Bönen is a new Verein
The Gründungsmitglieder of the new Vereins plans of the time the first Veranstaltung. The Weihnachtsmarkt is 6./7. Dezember stattfinden. © Bärbel Nagel

“Hand in Hand together for Beans” will provide more adventliches Flair in the community. A Christmas market is planned on the Förderturm. No sponsors were won and a marketing conglomerate was created.

In Bönen it is a new community: “Hand in Hand together for Bönen”. Are you aware of the Frage: “Who owns money on the domestic market anymore?” Im Rahmen der Reihe “Bönen ist bunt” beschlosen a little meat that is on the herbs, daily etwas zu tun. Man and Mitstreiter, and thus gründeten on April 14 Personen den Verein.

Our industry expertise covers all bets such as sportvereinen, Siedlergemeinschaften, the Förderverein Zeche Königsborn III/IV and other Vereinen. Experience in the planning of large-scale implementation, which is the result of the limited technical know-how and a successful marketing strategy since its inception. “Hand in Hand sister for Bones” will die to the best hens of the Vereine voranbringen, the Gewerbetreibenden mit ins Boot nehmen and other more. Erstes konkretes Project op de Weihnachtsmarkt signal.

Eine Großstatt velde Einzelveranstaltungen

The expenditure on the sales figures, it is likely in the United States that action is taken, but the terminology is statistically and as a guest taken away. Statistics can of the new Verein nun the few small Einzelveranstaltungen bundle and a new, larger Veranstaltung and a einem centralen Ort zusammenführen make.

This is the way the Mitglieder der Zechenturm als de Wahrzeichen beans is used. At the end of the day there will be a celebration: on Wednesday 6 and 7 December, we will be celebrating from 12 to 21 o’clock so that we will be able to enjoy our holiday. Krönender Abschluss will see the “Xmas Party of the RSV and friends”.

Contact the uninterested organizations with debts, Kitas, Sports associations and other companies that like their plans, so the Veranstalter. Sponsors were not approached, but a marketing concept was used.

Nur auf Planung und Durchführung eines Weihnachtsmarkts beschränken should die Mitglieder sich aber nicht. “It is one of the most common agreements in the non-interested Vereinen. I don’t think there is a party on the Christmas market,” said the first Vorsitzende, Dirk Lampersbach. Er is concrete die Gemeinnützigkeit des Vereins: “Wir sind nicht gewinnorientiert.”

The association

1. Principal broadcaster: Dirk Lampersbach

2. Transmitter: Tino Stracke

Cashier: Silke Beier

Schriftführerin: Sandra Bittmann

Contact: Dirk Lampersbach 0151/18455294 or [email protected]