
Chef can eat and drink in its entirety

Chef can eat and drink in its entirety

  1. SauerlandKurier
  2. District Olpe
  3. Lennestadt

Chef can eat and drink in its entirety
At the Mahnwache in Altenhundem, citizens hunderte in their lives the planted Schließung der Geburtsstation at St.-Josefs-Hospital Luft. © Schulz

The GFO clinics plan to close the Geburtshilfe in St.-Josefs-Hospital. The head chef of internal medicine is able to ensure that the ambulance is no longer needed. Protests and petitions may have rejected the Schließung.

Altenhundem – Who will continue with St. Josef’s Hospital in Altenhundem? The GFO clinics will be making plans for the treatment of the end of the years. Anschließend sollen in Altenhundemer Krankenhaus velde Leistungen zunehmend nur nor ambulant angeboten were.

Chef targen Entscheidungen nicht mit

Before this background information is available, both chefs of Inneren Medizin, Dr. Martin Asbach and Dr. Martin Bischopink, will be welded in the St.-Josefs-Hospital on April 1st. One of the best results of the GFO clinic is the treatment of both. You can not follow the path of the ambulance and remain at your station.

In the coming weeks, the management of the GFO will begin, a new concept – including both chefs – will be created.

Worst protests

After all, since the settlements have been resolved, a Petition for the Erhalt has been started, a Mahnwache ab Contents, Protest Letters have been received, the Citizens of the affected Communities in the Olpe Region and in the Hochsauerlandkreis have been affected by their secret Landtagsabgeordneten haben versucht zu intervene – bisher ohne Erfolg.

Dr. Gregor Kaiser, Landtagsabgeordneter Bündnis90/Die Grünen bleibt dran. There is a Minister of Health Karl-Josef Laumann and State Secretary Matthias Heidmeier of the NRW, who has gotten an idea of ​​the low power. If the new Entwicklungen are also the old Schließung der Geburtsstation and the way of the two Chefärzte der Inneren, the Standort is a gefährdet: “Sometimes the Standort is absehbar, the Standort ohne the Geburtsstation or otherwise the Zuweisung weiterer Leistungsgruppen nicht zu bereiben sein” , he is in Schreiben and the Politiker. And further: “That’s not enough for me.”

Meral Thoms, MdL, will come to the interview after Grevenbrück.
Meral Thoms, MdL, will come to the interview after Grevenbrück. © Private

Fachgespräch Krankenhausreform

After the minister had announced the destruction, the emperor had instituted a first reform of the reform of the theme of the hospital. On Saturday, September 14, the Health Policy Speaker of the Greens, Meral Thomas, is a guest in Grevenbrück. From 2 to 4 p.m. you will find the Information Center at the KulturBahnhof Grevenbrück. The purpose of the structure is to highlight the essential aspects of the planned hospital reform and to discuss the effects on the Kreis Olpe. Meral Thoms, an expert on general political fragmentation, has spoken out about the central inspection and reform references. If there are no more structural and financing issues, it may be that there is a company and the results of the sale of the local hospital, which are included in the Annunciation.

The Veranstaltung can be used to increase the Questions and Discussions, while the Citizen in his Anliegen direct and the political decision-makers pay attention. “We want the Dialogue and the Binding of Publicity in the Reform Process”, according to Gregor Kaiser. “If you want to know this, it is not possible that you have the right to a decision and where you stand.”