
Elmshorn: After Bus Fire – These Train Connections Have Fallen

Elmshorn: After Bus Fire – These Train Connections Have Fallen

The fire of an E-line bus at the Elmshorn station in Donnerstag will increase the volume of transport services in the transport sector: the railway lines will ensure that the whole family is getting muscular. Replacement traffic is heavily provided for. Is it a next step?

After the Brand eines E-buses in unterführung am Bahnhof Elmshorn bleibt der Zugverkehr in Norden voaussichtlich noch bis einschließlich Sonntag massive eingeschränkt. The Strecke at Elmshorn is nach who is completely blocked, part of the Bahn mit. The ICEs go to Munich/Basel and Kiel in Hamburg, while the ICEs go to Karlsruhe/Munich nach Westerland. Auch traffic transportation from Hamburg to Copenhagen has dropped between Hamburg and pols. The Bahn doesn’t work, there is no way to travel to sight.

Easy transportation with buses

A E-Linienbus war in the Donnerstag at a leerfahrt in the Unterführung at Bahnhof Elmshorn begins to blieben and go into Fire. The Fahrer had no choice but to do so. “While the brand damaged the cable, which was now repaired,” said a Bahnsprecher. De Strecke became a domestic activity. “It is important to note that this is not the case during the last weeks of the week.”

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There is an insurer with a targeted bus service. “As far as traffic workers are concerned, they would like to inform travelers,” says the speaker. Travelers from and to Hamburg-Denmark can use the Hamburg Hauptbahnhof and the Wrist-Ersatzbus. From and bis Polsverkehren wieder EC-Züge from and after Denmark.

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Travel directions Neumünster/Flensburg/Kiel sollen die S1 bis Hamburg Airport and then nehmen bis Neumünster for the transportation with buses. Ab Neumünster operates via regular regional railway connections. Traveling to and from Westerland (Sylt) can benefit from regional traffic. Dabei is a Umstieg in Elmshorn and Itzehoe ergorderlich. More information can be found at, in DB Navigator or by calling the travel information telephone number (030) 2970. (dpa/mp)