
Tausende beim Tag der insulting Tür

Tausende beim Tag der insulting Tür

OP with Schwestern and BesuchernOP with Schwestern and Besuchern
Who is in an OP-Saal? On the day of violations in the St. Sixtus hospital, a report can be made of a hint to the Kulissen shipyard. © Christof Perrevoort

Reading time

Would it be fun to work in the Krankenhaus? Many people think this day: St. Sixtus Hospital in Haltern had loaded the door on Saturday (7.9.) for the day of the open day. Clinics and most cases can organize a large number of exciting and thrilling programs for large and small organizations.

Gleich im Erdgeschoss locked the Notaufnahme especially the Children and. Dort extends Anke Jakobs and Claudia Müller one of the fachrechts Plaster bandage and – of course now with the children’s speeches, that is for the future sports activities.

Schwester makes a kind of head bandage and.Schwester makes a kind of head bandage and.
Notaufnahme-Mitarbeiterin Claudia Müller explains a small part of a headband and.© Christof Perrevoort

A few meters further lies between Wolfgang Thomas and Jessica Figuliredo in the Sauerstoffgehalt of the blutes-messenger. Error: the value lies at 97 – also optimal. Especially for children, the visit to the hospital was exciting. Could you help a man solve a problem?

Only three pieces in all of NRW

Birgit Böhme-Lueg, Speaker of the KKRN Katholisches Klinikum Ruhrgebiet: “Auch das war unser Ziel: Kindern die Angst vor dem Krankenhaus zu men.” Aber auch bei den Erwachsenen galt es, Hemmschwellen abzubauen.

So Fachkrankenschwester Stefanie Struckmeier could feel the fear of a Darmspiegelung-nehmen. We have had plenty of time to enjoy our glass of wine. And we could make a little effort to try: “Schmeckt zitronig,” said one besucherin in astonishment.

Group photo in front of hospitalGroup photo in front of hospital
A program was written based on the composition of the company: hospital director Ansgar Schniederjan, medical director Peter Harding, director Hiltrud Hachmöller and KKRN managing director Guido Bunten.© Christof Perrevoort

One of the make-up specialists of Claudia Kitsch from the little Malia (10) with a clear insight, were the best people who had confidence in it. This can be a problem during the treatment – ​​from endoscopy to cardiology, from occupational therapy to the withdrawal station. Auf die ist das Krankenhaus says: “Davon gibt es only three pieces in all of NRW.”

While patients undergo long term caring treatment, weed your life or a machine that lasts longer. Also a pneumological Reha.

Mädchen lässt ich make-upMädchen lässt ich make-up
Schick: Claudia Kitscha paints the Face of Malia (10).© Christof Perrevoort

How do you know that the Beckenboden training is not for women, but for men what is that? If you are in physiotherapy, you can use a new training device, which is a tablet. A study is about the following: “Beim Mann takes overweight, long sitting and a long breath for a geschwächte Beckenbodenmuskulatur, in a different form of prostate dazu.”

Before the locking of a rescue car of the Halterner Feuerwehr takes place between children and people – if they no longer work in the OP-Zentrum of ambulances, Bohren’s wife can make an art knuckle. There was a belief in the resuscitation training for the training and work of the Schlaflabors, in most cases this was a problem in the night therapy.

Alternative in Haltern

If the war ‘Altern in Haltern’ is a theme on the day of the transgression, there is a problem with the geriatric geriatric family reunification. “In solving the treatment of medicines in the other legs it would be difficult to treat our patients with treatment and treatment”, says chef Martin Presch in the extensive brochure.

Martin Mischkowsky war with his son Jan (6) and Finn (4) on the day of crimes, probably because he himself used a treatment method. In cardiology, chief physician Ramon Martinez took a look at Mischkowsky’s heart via ultrasound: “Everything in order.”

The information about E-Zigaretten war häufig Thema bei Lars Heining, the Chief Department of Pneumology, of the complaint: “It is more common, for all the young people of the Einstieg due to aromatisierte E-Zigaretten are present.”

KKRN-Sprecherin Böhme-Lueg and the whole team of the hospital took care of the rest of the day and continued to have a positive attitude: “The day was well spent, for all our lives are a toll.”