
So the German Cyber ​​War comes to fruition

So the German Cyber ​​War comes to fruition

Those Verluste Lies have a value of 267 billion euros in the fortunes of their own Monaten. It is a Steigerung op 29 Prozent zum Vorjahreszeitraum. The culmination of 6.6 products of the Gross Inland Products or 60 products of the Federal Government – the media and political media are large Theme: Deutschlands Wirtschaft will continue to live in an open environment with criminal organizations and authoritarians, as well as “friendly” states.

It is one of the data and IT devices that use a digital and analog industrial espionage or sabotage. The first period of the cybercriminal was estimated 180 million euros, 30 million euros more in 2022. These are not used for a long time after the protection of the federal paint protection for all countries of China, Russia and North Korea in the past.

Souls are the German infrastructure and companies. There are no large quantities of products, products and solutions for companies affected, but also a part of the world market leader and your innovation program. Eight of his companies have had to fight with cyber attacks in the past year.

Täter sollen aus organisierter Kriminalität tribes

It is possible that one of the active studies of digital connections is bitkom, at the 1,000 employees of the company and an annual overview of a million euros that is distributed by all branches. More pictures from the organizers Kriminalität?

Hauptangreifer is danach China. 45 Prozent der afflicted Firmen gaben an, die Angriffe nach China zurückdrukvolggen zu können (2023: 42 Prozent), 39 Prozent nannten Rußland (2023: 46 Prozent), 31 Prozent Osteuropa, 25 Prozent die USA, 31 Prozent EU-States, and 20 Prozent vermuteten an attack from one’s own country – more successes were possible.

36 Prozent der Befragten could not cross the Angreifer once. What is interesting about the composition is that the number of more (70 Prozent) shows that the Täter originate from the organized Kriminalität and fully equal 20 Prozent to Australian Nachrichtendienst.

Russia is a Sturm, China is the Climate Walk

The Angriffs vectors on the German Economics have shifted. The Verzahnung of cyber espionage and cybercrime are increasingly mentioned. Man sees a “nor engere Verbindung zwischen digitalen und analogen Angriffen”. The Angry sequels of the Soul, by “new Social Engineering that leads to classical spy activities”. It is more likely that the damage is caused by digital and physical sabotage. There is talk of a “strong anstieg analogue, which tries to prevent sabotage of betriebsabläufen and anlagen”, which is included in the Bitkom study.

“We need to have a healthy operation, a strong economic environment and a healthy environment,” argues Sinan Selen, Vice President of the Federal Office for Defense Protection (BfV), at the Vorstellung der Bitkom-Studie: “Wir dürfen digital en physique Sicher it is not isolated. Bei een zheitlichen Ansatz muß auch die Sicherheit von Loveketten with were conceived.”

China has chosen “breit gefächerte Ausspäh- und Einflußaktivitäten”, where Selens Chef Thomas Haldenwang 2023 in der World on Sunday warned and foretold, these will be carried out. In April it is so, if there is China – with 254.5 million euros in common Handesumsatzes Deutschlands wichtigster Trading partner – as a beispiellose security policy Herausforderung bezeichnete and the of a British MI5-Kollegen Geprägten Zitierte: Russia is a Sturm, China aber ist der Klimawandel . Germany is pleased with China as one of the most important service providers for Aufklärungs- und Einflußziele.

Deindustrialization is taking place in politics

The Chinese strategy says long ago that Haldenwang: ‘The political power in the world of the wirtschaftliche power – which is an intensive inspiration of the German and European Wirtschaft – is about the political power of the world.’ Dennoch is the BfV that goes further than the opposition ung in Deutschland beschäftigt. In the Reich der Mitte one can end up in the Blick, that the industry in Germany finds the industrial development for all political institutions of the Bundesregierung, which the Unternehmen zur Abwanderung or zum Aufgeben zwingen.

Know-how transfer takes place by companies or direct investments. The politics that infiltrates are being looked at. But also universities and colleges are backing into the Chinese Chinese Secret Service operations. Very interesting for the academic world that counts more than 40,000 Chinese students.

A larger part of the knowledge is based on the knowledge of the BfV eng and the People’s Republic, under the impression that the Mittels of Peking receive a scholarship program and a German college. After a mutating Espionagefall that in the summer of the Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg the students with a scholarship is offered.

EU cyber security has improved

With a new guideline, which in Germany will die on October 1 in Kraft Treten Soll, in the EU will die in Cybersecurity in the Mitgliedsländern improve and corner. Since January 2023, the NIS-2 guideline (Network and Information Provision) has been regularly changed in the Cyber ​​and Information Provision of Companies and Institutions and is not only gilded as the large regulation for a large company from its old areas, under for “very possibly companies from a whole range of related industries and sectors”, said Christopher Hock of the testing and consulting company Forvis Mazars.

Concerned with these aspects of life and their best interests, which in the Daseinsvorsorge, the Aufrechterhaltung des Gemeinwohls und der Funktionsfähigkeit des Wirtschaftsstandorts een entscheidende Role, wenn these mindsestens 50 Beschäftigte and a Jahresumsatz of more as they own millions of euros. Nach Hocks Schätzung trades between 25,000 and 40,000 Unternehmen in Germany. Make sure that you can handle cyber risk management, that you control and monitor the fear and consequences that you will wholeheartedly have in your home.

Stop investing in IT security at their level

The wiring for the German Wirtschaft has changed, Bitkom chairman Ralf Wintergerst plans. The external devices must be offered the highest degree of protection: it is a digital solution to classroom fears of covering up the description or the Diebstahl of physical documents.

Schon jetzt geben laut der Bitkom-Umfrage four of them Unternehmen 20 Prozent of more your IT-Budgets for IT-Sicherheit aus. 38 Prozent geben zehn bis below 20 Prozent dafür aus. “Bei den durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für IT-Sicherheit nähern wir uns dem Zielwert an“, so Winterbarley. In any case, “investments in IT security requirements have reached a higher level.”

Auch Bitkom longs to have more Zuwanderung

Derweil hat Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) has launched a new Arbeitskräfteinitiative. After a China-busy in June with a 60-member delegation, the cooperation with the Hannover Chamber of Industry and Commerce will begin with young Chinese for Germany.

Nor does Maike Bielfeldt, IHK-Hauptgeschäftsführerin, think that a helper in hotel and guest house work or in the “Installation of photovoltaic systems” is, who would like to work as soon as possible. Also Bitkom wants all more Zuwanderung and talks on Monday lieber the AfD and BSW selection offices in Thuringia and Saxony.
