
Hüttenwirte wiehen gemischte Bilanz –

Hüttenwirte wiehen gemischte Bilanz –


Durchwachsen like the summer itself – so fall the balance of the Tyrolean Hüttenwirtinnen and Hüttenwirte out. The beginning of the summer war is cool and rainy. The nightly events look as if it is time to remain stable. The big problem is that you report, but nothing more comes of it.

The hut wardens and the wire talked about one of the best summers, while the re-examinations of camps fell, said Georg Unterberger, hut warden of the Austrian Alpine Association: ‘A war began that is not under the intestines, we will die the wet situation under a relatively unstable war. I have finally come to the right decision, it was the Weitwanderer-betrifft. The day guests have partly but very well let out. We now still have a good finish. “

Guest Hinterhornalm Gnadenwald


Those lost summer days have been difficult to live with

Wetterfeste Feste und Hochzeiten

One of the financially started season starts is the Besitzer der Hinterhornalm in Gnadenwald on private Feiern and Hochzeiten set, so Alexandra Skarda von der Hinterhornalm. “The summer war is okay, but the Spring war continues. There is war in the Wednesday bad weather. It is a great time to enjoy and let the years pass and improve the quality of things. That has us den Mai and den Juni gerettet,” so the Hüttenwirtin.

Basic rule: Save water in the Hütten

Auch the Wassernappheit and the increasing energy consumption in the alpine huts for the Betreiberinnen and Betreiber. Georg Unterberger vom ÖAV: „Wir versuchen, de Guests zu machen, dass Wasser zu saved. Man must not take advantage of a Dusche during your cabin night and during your mountain tour. With his high quality of clothing – Stichwort Wolle – man can have a bit of a Leibchen zwei Tage, but that man is still brightly stinky.”

Cancel if you are not coming

The model of the online reservation has been examined. The most important thing is that you will receive more guests, who you can no longer separate, but never absagen, so Unterberger. “It is a security aspect. If there is an old guest, who is buried, a hut has no power, the power is of the judge with legal aid, where that guest is. If your house has a problem, or if it goes on the way to a hut, a problem arises. Nevertheless, my intention: There would be no one angry, if there was a short-term absagt. “

In most huts of the Alpenvereins it remains at the end of September in the Winterruhe. The private huts were no longer geöffnet, teilweise sogar bis November, je nach Wetter.