
Norditalien: Since July missing Charité-Professor laut Messages to receive funds

Norditalien: Since July missing Charité-Professor laut Messages to receive funds

For more than a Monat change, there is a walk in Monte Giove – now this is a tragic event: Since July, the Charité Professor Marcus Maurer has received more messages to be found. Die Suche nach ihm war bereits eingstellt be.

The German physician and charitable professor Marcus Maurer is in various media reports until. On July 31st there was a holiday in Northern Italy, at 1300 meters altitude of Monte Giove on Lake Maggiore. If the walk has undergone a tragic event, the Maurer will not disappear anymore. Still in the evening the family in the neighborhood reports him missing.

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More than a month later, a Freitagmittag of the Leiche des Professors is financed, with the Italian medium „La Stampa“ with a message. While a mountain guard of the Italian financial surveillance service is concerned with the protection of the border protection and the mountain guard, the best “T-Online” is the Fund of the Leiche.

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Demnach hatten Bergretter Maurer in the Pizzocca Alp area, an 800 meter walk to its own tribe in a Bach gefunden. First recognitions will undergo the Leiche dort vom Rain hinge swingmmt. Make sure that the Bergwacht and the Feuerwehr take the fight to the Missing Gesucht. These things turned out to be such a good example. Der Leichnam would have won “La Stampa” from the mountain rettung, if it trains in training.

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The Leiche would end a Hubschrauber-recovered and brought to a Krankenhaus. Laut “T-Online” is the Maurers family who informs and is now on the road to Italy. Marcus Maurer was the business-leading director of the Allergieforschung and Charité institutes in Berlin. (mp)