
Macht’s Nestlé who Danone? The Nutri-Score is wavering

Macht’s Nestlé who Danone? The Nutri-Score is wavering

The Nutri-Score is in the existing deception of the blessing. Consumer hacks in not – and reinforced hints that are in the notes.

What about Zucker, Salz and Fett? Ganz is so single it is not.

What about Zucker, Salz and Fett? Ganz is so single it is not.

Christian Ohde / Image

Hand on Heart: Can you explain, what do you really want to light the food lamp? No? It is possible that you will end up in your work: the consumers can inform the most important properties of a company about the information.

Das grüne A step forward. Will heissen: Das Produkt enthält Ballaststoffe, Vitamine, good Öle. The rote E wiederum deutet op een schlechte Nährwertqualität hin: fell Zucker, Salz, ungesättigte Fettsäuren. So it’s nothing.

The so-called Nutri-Score is a discovery of the French elite university university and a number of consumer and consumer orientations for a single life. In the war in France, the Emporung that this week was particularly large, as the in Paris-announced Food-Multi Danone had announced, the Mebensmittelampel von his Trinkjoghurts zu entfernen. Think of Marken that are active or are active.

The Grund is a sin for the Cacophony of the Nutri-Scores. Trinkjogurts are no longer suitable for sports in the sports circuit. A product group that works in health care as a healthy enterprise: Auf Actimel-Jogurts, which Danone has developed as an underpinning for the immune system, can help abschafft one of the statistics of an A. The broader goal of the Marketingbotschaft, which Danone is the Ampel of the Verpackung Kurzerhand.

A good Pizza Margherita?

The Nutri-Score has no more Lebensmittel in the verschiedene Gruppen. It is very important that this is not the case. If a dessert is much tastier, it is not possible to eat a delicious dish, but this is not so tasty.

But that is also the cause of misunderstood botanicals. A Tiefkühl-Margherita can be a tragedy. Nothing, while Tiefkühlpizzen are like this, it is true that the Margherita inner half of the Category «tiefgekühlte Fertiggericht» is better than others.

It is true that products are always moved back and forth between categories, which comes in the autumn of the Trinkjoghurts. A scientific commission waits for the Nutri-Score and never makes any adjustments. This is the sorting for confusion. It is possible that most consumers of the food groups do not have an Ahnung.

Danone was one of the first companies to voluntarily print the Lebensmittelampel 2017 on its product. The backache in the sweatpants was recognized in the industry as the beginning of the end of the Nutri-Score. If the pioneer Danone and the Glaubwürdigkeit waver, wouldn’t the Ampel then trust?

The food industry sees the Nuts longer, the less. In the Switzerland in the Frühling will the Migros as Emmi angekündigt, the Nutri-Score wieder of the own products shift to las. “If you have an income before you go through the years, you can see the nuts in the future the high costs and the upward movement,” says the Migros with.

Nestlé kan geben de Ausschlag

And if you die, the Bund will officially work the Nutri-Score for two years and continue the Nutzung de Firmen and Herz. Switzerland is part of Coen-Land with France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The abrogation is for countries that are officially involved in Nutri-Score. Switzerland also appoints experts for the scientific commission.

Now all eyes on the Swiss snack giants Nestlé are focused. Steigt is out, where the end of the Nutri-Scores is. Before you spend years, you can see the same products with the light bulb in Europe. But the company tauschte for two weeks the CEO to work and focuses on one of the Group veterans Laurent Freixe new out. The strategy can be combined with each other under «back to the point»: fewer experiments, fewer hip food trends, more brands.

What about the Nutri-Score on the Platz? The weight of the fragmentation and the schreibt is: «We can no longer see the other separations and no more reactions to the separation of your knowledge. The Nutri-Score offers a free system.»

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