
Sabalenka won the US Open title in Nervenkrimi

Sabalenka won the US Open title in Nervenkrimi

Aryna Sabalenka lies on the fallen back, slides the hand through the sight and continues to lie. The top favorites initially won the US Open and Jessica Pegulas got a title for Heim fans. The world ranking in Belarus has reached the final of the American with 7:5, 7:5 during and feierte in the ridden Grand-Slam-Triumph.

The other player’s 30 years of Grand Slam finals in his long career should earn Sabalenkas’ aggressive style if he is defeated.

Reichlich Prominenz auf der Ehrentribüne

For the Augen von Prominenz with Formel-1-Rekord-Worldmeister Lewis Hamilton, Sprint-Olympiad Noah Lyles and Basketball-Superstar Stephen Curry, Sabalen prevented a single sporting event in Vorjahr. The Swedish Australian-Open-Siegerin-War in the endgame 2023 is by the American publication of Coco Gauff on the Siegkurs fallen, but lost the title still in three times.

Nun vergab si zwar Zwarschenzeitlich eine 3:0-Führung im zweiten Durchgang, kämpfte sich aber nach 3:5-Rückstand wieder zurück and behielt dieses Mal maar die Nerven. After 1:53 Sabalenka walked into two matchballs.

Stimmung atmosphere in the Arthur Ashe Stadium

When Pegula starts on the Platz in the Arthur Ashe Stadium, when the big head of the Ohren gets bigger, the atmosphere and the jubilation of more than 23,000 Zuschauer under the closed roof auf. “When you play tennis, it’s sharp and aggressive,” Sabalenka warned his Gegnerin before Matchbeginn.

And Pegula offers this quality at the beginning. In the semi-final I think that Tschechin Karolina Muchova made a disastrous start and swischenzeitlich 1:6, 0:2 zurückgelegen. Nun nahm sie Sabalenka früh den Aufschlag zum 2:1 ab.

The Belarusian lies are no longer possible. With his Powertennis dominance in the ballroom, the power of the punks can increase with direct wins, while playing with netz, with 5:2.

The public teases Pegula

But at 5:3 and Breakball for Pegula the audience applauded after a Failed Sabalenkas while there was a loud launch. It is not that the next Vorhand is far in Aus. The tension remains, the Mood is getting bigger. Sabalenka drowns, dies mentally for his use, animation of the Zuschauer after a brilliant Schlag von sich zu nog lauterem Jubel.

When Pegula has a light background in Netz mode at 5:6, four-time NBA champion Curry gives him a hand for his insight. We have power over power while winning the first break per perfect break.

And the favorite is not a safe. However, if you want to take the next step, you can watch it in the bottom of the bottom. 3:0 played Sabalenka and hadte Breakball – everything also clear? Members, Pegula still fought back once.

Plötzlich was in the American 5:3 format and was shown in the zittern. No Spielgewin wants to go the other way – if he is ahead in the segelte, war of the Dream of the Title dahin.

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