
Trump dreams of criminal prosecution of “Wahlbetrügern”

Trump dreams of criminal prosecution of “Wahlbetrügern”

US President Donald Trump has made up his mind on the matter, but it is a good idea to leave the White House. “If I won, it would be better, with the full heart of the cases that were developed, a long criminal case was a fact, I would no longer know that further justification,” Trump wrote on the online platform Truth Social and X in Anspielung auf die Wahl 2020, after the current President Joe Biden told himself. Seine Niederlage has no chance – and critical finding, that is one of the Wahl in November, so come to know.

The Democrats have been “succumbed” to the Wahl for four years, have brought Trump into his post on new terrain – whereby various targeted powers are abused and have been proven to be substantively. The damage caused by Vorkommnisse is a disgrace to the country, so Trump. Die Wahl 2024 became one of the »strongest professional Beobachtung«-states. »Those who are entangled in scum were tracked down, arrested and criminally prosecuted, and black in one, who has not yet come before in our country as a leader.«

Trump will see an American time in the White House in November and the current president of Kamala Harris of the Democrats will die.

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