
Dortmund celebrates two Light Festival – with free Eintritt

Dortmund celebrates two Light Festival – with free Eintritt

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  2. Dortmund
Dortmund celebrates two Light Festival – with free Eintritt
The Lichterfest in the Dortmunder Fredenbaumpark is free. © Anneke Dunkhase Photography/Stadt Dortmund

It is not a Lichterfest in Dortmund. Go to the Fredenbaum Park in September for the herbal celebration.

Dortmund – The big Lichterfest in the Dortmund Westfalenpark is at the end of August in all Munde. I think the motto is “1,000 Lichter”, a year ago that the Park Jahr in a Meer from Kerzen and Lanterns verwandeld. So once the event has started, a critical assessment of the award ceremony for the whole family can take place. But Dortmund offers a lighter party – and it is free.

Dortmund celebrates two Light Festivals – with free Eintritt

Ben September 14 (Saturday) go to the next annual event in Fredenbaum Park. From 6pm to 10pm Be such a visitor in Dortmund on a vibrant light during the festive Christmas and Lampen celebrations – anyway with several other programs. Planted since below:

  • Live music
  • Children’s activities
  • Walking activities

Program at Lichterfest in the Dortmunder Fredenbaum Park

It is possible that all changes are changed during the program, while the Stadt Dortmund is so. On the Platanenplatz you will find the „Trials of Life“ and „Die Kellerband“ op. At the Music Pavilion everything seems to be a hit. Children can go karussell-driving and also bashing for the place.

At 17:45 it is time to start the start and plant the Bilder-Show. At the festivities the 125-year-old best of the Dortmunder Fredenbaumparks is geehrt. A photo spot can be made with own photos.

Lichterfest im Dortmunder Fredenbaumpark: Laser show as highlight

Enjoy the Lichterfest in Westfalenpark and stay in the Fredenbaum Park. “Ein rich Gastronomieangebot steht in all Bereichen zur Fügung”, heißt es of the City of Dortmund (more Dortmund-News at RUHR24).

The height of the light festivals in the Dortmund Fredenbaumpark takes place in the Himmel, but it is no longer possible to believe blast furnace work in the Westfalenpark. Denn in the Dortmund Nordstadt put a man on a choreography and musical music show. Start at 22 o’clock. Unfavorable for half eleven is then the end angesetzt.