
Alternative utensils can have a longer lifespan

Alternative utensils can have a longer lifespan

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Advisor
  3. Health
Alternative utensils can have a longer lifespan
Many people think that they can live long and enjoy life in turn. If you want more, you can take a test during a test. © Ravlo/IMAGO

A product that is organic can have a long life. The result is a forschungsarbeit.

Fulda – The chronological alternative is the history of the year, the man got the hat. Allerdings says it is chronological Alter laut Max-Planck-Insituts für Biologie des Alterns little about the active operation of the cooking mode. If it is good that the food is found, it may be that the natural biological changes are altered.

Researcher vom Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston (USA) has now conducted research into the biological alternative messenger. Mithilfe von diesem Test wollen sie in Zukunft voraussagen können, wie alt Menschen were, schreibt

Gesund alternative: Altersuhr soll chronoologisches Alter vorhersagen können

The Wissenschaftler has developed a system, in which a number of chronic protein sources and risks are recognized. If you do a test, the blood plasma is formed by protein (circulating plasma protein) of biological Alter misses.

This ermöglicht is a risk prognosis for altered clinical pictures, such as diabetes, Krebs, neurodegenerative diseases such as Heart, Kidney, Liver and Lung diseases. After excluding the Forscher, the mortality can be exceeded, when the consequences are further affected.

For the analysis of the research team of the health data of 45,000 people. These have collected another blood sample and their data from a data bank in Great Britain (UK Biobank), which are used especially for long-term studies of credits, their research is set. In the data values ​​that the Wissenschaftler 204 Proteins ​​for your system identify, with those of the biological Alternative can be determined. These sets are in relation to knowledge and physical functions of the parts.

Test is not practical – you cannot make a diagnosis about the diagnosis

With this test the researchers could now find out who other people became. No new system has been installed to protect the “protected clock”. The Proteomik is umfasst the Erforschung des Proteoms, als de Gesamtheit aller Proteine ​​​​in een mensschlichen Zelle.

If you do a test with these alternative products, neither in a complicated and complicated way, your general life expectancy will increase. Zukünftig can use the alternative method to make the diagnosis.

This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not have any self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. There are no consequences for the doctor’s visit. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern would be done by a non-editorial team.