
Queere Menschen im Kampf is een wirtschaftliche Stabiliät – Nachrichten AG

Queere Menschen im Kampf is een wirtschaftliche Stabiliät – Nachrichten AG

In the queer community in Germany, there is a worrying trend: many homosexual, trans* and non-binary people struggle with serious financial difficulties. These problems are no longer an individual tragedy, but one of the biggest dilemmas of the company, the long time in the big company.

Gay men were often helped through sex as financial businesswomen, that they were of advanced age and a limitless lifestyle verfügen. Serious money problems can arise in the camps. The statistics are based on the young single man in Germany, who has 22 percent of the foreign identities, which affects the debt burden. The durchschnittlichen Schulden that men lie at an alarming 32,000 Euro.

Die Realität für queere Menschen

Financial problems are often a result of stigma, but most people can suffer from the fact that they come across in their schwimmkeiten. Peter, a 24-year-old civil servant from Berlin, describes the social isolation that has been rethought with the money note: “I notice how my friend journey has become smaller. Could you connect with your mandem if the exit for a queer party can no longer last?”

The Bundestagsabgeordnete Kathrin Vogler of the Left Faction stated fest, this fell on strange men in their miserable office with a low level of confrontation since, since few have the Möglichkeit, they would find a good job in a queer friendly environment. There is often a mental burden of the schlechter-bezahlte-job in the included Arbeitsumfeld-vorzoet, an enormous size of the gewährleisten. “The beautiful world combined with the rauen-konomicen Realität,” he said.

Verena, 31, a lesbian from Hamburg, points out that women in the queer community are also under financial pressure. If you are in the culture and say, “My experience may be that I am a little bit afraid of my chef.” This insecurity is just part of the everyday – it is a very bitter phenomenon.

Herausforderungen für trans* und nichtbinäre Menschen

It is important that the herausforderungen are a trans* and nonbinary human stehen. If you do not have discriminierungen on the Arbeitsplatz and in the Alltag extension, this is one of the high costs for non-essential operations when camping. Nick Hampel from the Jugendnetzwerk Lambda describes the financing of the LGBTQIA+ community, such as Randphänomen Sind: “A bevölkerungsbezogene Study zur sozialen Lage queerer Menschen in Deutschland ist überfällig.”

There may be stranger amounts that make a good financial contribution to financial security. Often it is the case that Eltern takes a risk, but after coming out he risks that Eltern will become verbal. Daniel, 35 years old, who after his coming out was locked up at home and landed in the gastronomy: “I had to earn money quickly, and now I am hanging out there.” These personal designs contrast sharply with the shrill image of the homosexual soul group, who is in the propaganda world.

The task, the reduction of debts and places of work has taken off, which queer youth have poorer educational opportunities, raises the question why the theme of financing difficulty in this community finds so little support. The fear of additional stigmatization was often caused by the affected persons through the problem of their debt, and the credit crisis of debts and depressions was now becoming ever greater.

If you want to make it clear that the financial rearrangements of the queeren mens in Deutschland are more extensive, the preliminary insight is vermuten lässt. The problems with the disk reduction can be a part of the financial institutions and the financing of the financing of a low management management, which are urgently attention and sales favorable.