
Ukraine-Krieg Aktuell: “Wichtig, auf alles vorbereitet zu sein” – Defense Minister warns about Putin-Angriff

Ukraine-Krieg Aktuell: “Wichtig, auf alles vorbereitet zu sein” – Defense Minister warns about Putin-Angriff

Would Vladimir Putin want another European Länder after Ukraine? A single state secretary is suffering from a Russian anger. One of Lithuania’s Defense Ministers warned of a Putin Angriff and declared that it is “important, for everything we want”.

  • Lithuania-Verteidigungsminster Laurynas Kasčiūnas warnt vor Vladimir Putin
  • Lithuania suffers from Putin-Angriff vor
  • NATO Verbündeter sichert Grenze zu Russia with dragon tails and mines

Is Vladimir Putin really serious? A number of military experts and politicians have delved into the war, while the Russian president is in Ukraine watching other European states. If you warn the end of the day, the man from the Russian presidents who are no longer serious will die.

Fear of Putin-Angriff – Lithuania Confirms Border to Russia

Russian director Nachbar Lithuania dies of a violation and can express a Russian anger. Who has the Lithuanian Defense Ministry on Thursday (September 5), has begun, the border of Russia has begun.

Read more about Vladimir Putin and dem Ukraine-War Find it here:

Vladimir Putin has spoken out about the anger in Lithuania

In a statement from the Kurznachrichtendienst Mobilitätsbekämpfung Minen, Igel, Drachenzähne usw.

The so-called Dragon carriages would first be used in the Second World War. If you use the Stahlbeton, you have to use the shape of the Panzern and the infantry mechanization at the rear.

Lithuanian Defense Minister Kasciunas warns against Vladimir Putin

The literal Foreign Minister Laurynas Kasciūna has sounded the alarm about the deceit in Russia and warned about Putin-Angriff. In the Rede erklärte der Politiker: “Der Feind wird nicht nur die Stepen Hänge des Flusses Behindert, sondern auch durch Minen, Drachenzähne, czechische Igel und Stacheldraht. Es ist wichtig, auf alles vorbereitet zu sein, was passioneren kann.”

Sollte is a Russian angry come, Vladimir Putin’s troops “were more time and resources useful (…), a technical technical problem with their use.” It is worth reading the “Streitkräften meer Time zur Vorpreitung der Verteidigung geben”.

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