
Who has undergone a yeast fermentation?

Who has undergone a yeast fermentation?

From Kimchi, kefir or a simple meal – the fermentation of food has begun in the Spitzengastronomy. If man is no longer so important, it is not that he is a little pricked and involuntarily distributed beets – it is good that his health and that was good. Shoot with the pain, the immune system is strong, Krebs advance and so glücklich zu machen. Is it a hype? Was the erasure of Forscher über die angeblich the same Power of the Fermented?

Vitamins, Minerals, Protein

“I am proud of the fermentation of the past,” says Silke Restemeyer, Research Scientist at the German Society for Growing. When the meal starts, you will enjoy the good bakery, the delicious cakes, and the freshly baked bread on the cake and the tasty egg whites. “The product is more durable than the first product,” says Restemeyer. “Those food products may contain the source of proteins, vitamins and mineral substances with zinc.” Some anti-nutritive substances, which have the ability to absorb, were degraded.

Milchsäuregärung power nicht nur Weißkohl bekömmlicher, including Rotkraut and others Kohlsorten.
Milchsäuregärung power nicht nur Weißkohl bekömmlicher, including Rotkraut and others Kohlsorten.Photo Alliance

Remember that sauerkraut is the sauerkraut rettete. British captain James Cook started in 18 years. Jahrhundert is a man with sauerkraut for skorbut that could be used. The strength is achieved by a mangle and vitamin C solution. In the sauerkraut the vitamin of the cabbage can be used. The best results are: Fermentation of the fermentation and adding more vitamins to the starting product, including B-vitamin and vitamin K.

Wirkungen since schwer nachzuweeisen

In what way can cooking bacteria process food? The study time is stopped, when the mancher Kimchi-Fan is ready. It is often informed of labor studies, it is taken into account that a certain substance is being investigated. The Gesundheit of Test subjects has not done research, another man can analyze the life in Labor. Restemeyer says: “It is not that it is a healthy enterprise, but it is now a question of nachzuweisen.” Otherwise when it comes to medicines, sauerkraut will not contain larger quantities, but those same products will be good.

Dieser Text comes from the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung.

Clear is: Fermentierte Lebensmittel enthalten, especially if they are not pasteurized, many healthy bakterien – and love them their nahrung. The highest part of the microbiome in the Intestine, a study from the year 2021 said: Darin has a Wissenschaftler from Stanford University 18 American Jews Tag über zehn Wochen fermentiertes Gemüse, Kefir, Joghurt or Kombucha napkin. Stuhlproben’s analysis said: The microbiome of the tires can be diverse. “Man is davon aus: You fell on the Intestinal flora ist, desto gesünder ist si”, said Miriam Popkes, the molecular Medizin study and zum Zusammenhang von Mikrobiom and Alterung at Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie des Alterns geforscht hat. Mittlerweile is with the raw materials of the external fermentation world. Here the interest is in the theme of intestinal health and bringing other things, fermenting yourself.

Unterstützung für die Darmbakterien

A diverse microbiome does not stop sailing. Whoever influences the body, is still not understanding in detail. But the combinations are ultimately unfortunate: People with a diverse microbiome rarely suffer from chronic encephalitis, intestinal problems, diabetes, blood pressure, obesity. A study said: It is possible to increase the creditworthiness of Krebs. If the psychological problems occur, there are some of the most common microbiomes, it is a study that is depressed or scary. Bacteria such as bifidobacteria hang together with happiness.

Cleaner by research into fermenting, mild substances, the anti-inflammatory effect and the immune system strengthen the effect of kefir. Some of the research, which stimulates the fermentation of the immune system, is better in the Stanford study: while the fermentation tag still exists, the best immunity was the most effective. There are 19 pro-inflammatory interleukin infections have emerged, which can occur in inflammation. Eines davon, Interleukin 6, hangs with rheumatoid arthritis, along with type 2 diabetes and chronic stress.

Immune system and metabolism

A role in the body plays for the immune system. These are produced by the intestinal bacteria. Although there is no knowledge of the matter, research is still being done on: Short-term fattening products provide, on the other hand, for a strong activity of the regulatory T-cells, which regulate the immune system. Once fermentation has started, it is possible that the bakery products influence part of the production costs.

The fermentation agent goes on the energy metabolism and helps women with Abnehmen: Study a mouse-belegen, that the short-chained fat-sauce acetate (essigsäure) the blood-spine-hard overwinds and in the intestines as an appetite suppressant. Acetate and the short-chained fat-sauce Propionsäure provide a level of the cholesterol-restoring lung. In laboratories, Kefir can stabilize the blood sugar. During human studies, it is common to have diabetes with a small risk for diabetes.

Yogurt for fresh air.
Yogurt for fresh alliance / Zoonar

Theoretically, milk production can be fermented with the help of blood pressure halves. At least Kefir is a laboratory substitute for angiotensin converting enzyme. This mechanism of action is carried out by the drugs against blood pressure. A person does not work without any effort, but Kefir as a blood pressure enzymatic works.

Yogurt vs Krebs, Camembert vs Demenz

Theory and Praxis use different methods to do credit research: the fermented milk product produces substances, which Krebs work as a Chinese Forscher in 2022 who has undergone a research into verfügbaren and has made an analysis here. The effect of the war changes the light: Nur Joghurtverzehr went with a lighter risk for a Darmkrebs one.

And who wants to do the fermentation on our thinking apparatus? We can no longer extract dust from the blut, but this does not come through the next Blut-Hirn-Schranke backlog. If you have been passive lately, you can experience a positive life cycle on nerves. Bisher is here for all studies, models and laboratories. So how laboratory medication was caused by beta-amyloid, was typical for Alzheimer’s disease, when the camembert is regularly removed. Make sure that the Myristamid works positively on the skin. Also substances, the nerve cells protect, were in the working conditions busy. In other studies are verbesserte sich bei Versuchen das Gedächtnis, and the nerves were less harmful oxidative Stress ausgesetzt.

About Fermentiertes unsere Zufriedenheit raises, which was questioned by neuroscientist John F. Cryan at University College Cork in Ireland. 24 Erwachsene haben jeden Tag „psychobiotic“ berries, with many ferments and fibers. I am curious about the Kontrollgruppe that is stressed as a refuser. Dazu passed die Veränderungen in ihrem Microbiom. Für Cryan is the fermentation that is meditated as one of the preventive lebenstils. In this article, it was clear: “If your health is good and a man is stressed, you are more likely to have sauerkraut,” he says.

To slowly rear up

Most people go through the fermentation before they are all processed into the Darmgesundheit. In the Kursen near Fermentwelten, man gemeinsam, etwa Weiß- and Blumenkohl are fermented. I received a warning, it was a mistake on my part, Popkes reported. “Am the first time I have a meal with fresh fermentation,” said Popkes. The intestinal flora is corrupted, comes from the Blähungen and the Durchfall. „Man always take care of himself first and foremost with a few Gabeln essences.“