
Taufkirchener Blech erobert Kärnten

Taufkirchener Blech erobert Kärnten

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Taufkirchener Blech erobert Kärnten
Strahlendes Lächeln, blitzendes Blech: die Musikanten played vier Konzerte in Hermagor in Kärnten. © Birgit Lang

The follower of Himolla Blaskapelle is born after two years of new construction in the first Auslandskonzert.

Church of Death – In the event that the Taufkirchener has a good name, there is talk of it. If you notice the imitation of the Himolla Blaskapelle for years, it first started in Australia. Motivating for Raimund Stiller and his Truppe: Enjoy your visit during your stay during October with your conductors and musical leaders who will be present in your region.

“There is a hobby chapel with more commotion, soft drinks at the time of a role in the published game and it is not that they can buy more often, we will then not live together anymore lately,” explains the Moosener.

Jahrzehntelang gab es de Himolla Blaskapelle. Auf Anregung von Carl Hierl wurde in 1961 in Leben. If the Botschafter des Polstermöbelherstellers and the Gemeinde Taufkirchen war is no longer Germany, it falls further in Ausland. But 2022/2023 stand that Blaskapelle vor dem Aus. Zwölf Musiker was nur übriggeblieben. As one of the people Stiller is, he is grateful, that is not the end.

There is a tact and: Raimund Stiller is Conductor, Musical Leader, Busfahrer and Mädchen for everything.
There is a tact and: Raimund Stiller is Conductor, Musical Leader, Busfahrer and Mädchen for everything. © Birgit Lang

Bright times will last longer

The first Auslandseinsatz took place at the Imkereivereins branch in Hermagor in Kärnten. Cook four times with the insgesamt sechs Stunden absoluvierten that Taufkirchener beißen Summer temperatures at Honey and Bienenfest. Sisters and veranstalters were enthusiastic and lobbed the chapel for my unusual wind music: music, the never-played game, and the sauber and with Ausdruck and dynamic transport. “That’s a strange man, that’s a man’s way,” says Stiller. “Then weiß ich, that work, that man power, is worth it.”

The high standard and the way in which the Himolla Blaskapelle zeichnet in its nachfolgeformation aus. Weil een der Mitglieder-urlaubsbedingt nicht met de konnten, jumped op Aushilfen een, darunter Musikanten aus Österreich von der Trachtenmusikkapelle aus Bruck an der Großglocknerstraße, wo Stiller auch since 20 years of play.

There is a trip in big Fußstapfen. The Himolla Blaskapelle has a reformed orchestra leader: Hermann Haenicke (1961–1968) and Paul Weidemann (bis 1984) and then Heino Kräutler, who comes from Lower Austria, who was the conductor’s staff for 25 years and lasted no longer than the strip wake. Auch Ausflüge mit Aufttocht organisierte there fell. Zuletzt War Kurt Müller Conductor.

But after Kräutlers Ausscheiden, those glorious times were vorbei. There are no four events in the year, the Standkonzert on the Adlberger Markt, the Volksfestauszug, the Christmas Concert at the Schloss and the Himolla Jubiläumsfeier. It’s a Kriselle.

For intestines Ton worries (left) Theresa Götz, Anneliese Renner and Marianne Westermaier.
For intestines Ton worries (left) Theresa Götz, Anneliese Renner and Marianne Westermaier. © Birgit Lang

If Kräutler’s Son Heino in September 2022 one of the other Minutes of musical direction is to be relegated, then also Müller’s Job will be added to the stillness, for the sake of the change of seasons. I am in February 2023 with the question. The organization hates to stay four months longer.

Neustart ohne Firmen-Förderung

The end of the traditional chapel is finally besieged, when the Geschäftsführung of Himolla the Unterstützung der Kapelle is founded and “of an official purpose, we will no longer fit into my new technical-modern portfolio – so that concrete Aussage”, erzählt der 59- Jahrige. When the company has deleted the hard files, the name Himolla is no longer used in the name.

“Dann since our days. Keine Unterstützung more, bis jijetzt war is immersion in a great Unterstützung for Noten, the harmful Conductors Müller and Ausstattung.

Everything that was wiped away with one blow. If you want to play, you will be happy with your fall, because of the musical spirit, there is a comradery of musical peace.

The Orchestra has put together a fantastic repertoire: “Eine gute, saubere, gehobene Blasmusik. Nicht nur Marsch und Polka, is a modern style, which you know, aber nicht jeder spielt. Auch Gesangsstücke was eingebunden, das kommt gut an.“ Some Ehemaligen kehrten zurück, and new Mitglieder could be obtained, sodaman heute with a Mitgliederzahl of 20 Musikanten and Musikantinnen required kann.

Also the requests for rides have come back, also outside of Taufkirchen. So play the Taufkirchener Blech with various anniversary anniversaries, during the Sommerfest of the Landratsamt, the Zweimal at the Dorfener Volksfest and in August 2025, where you can see the next Einladung nach Karinth Fest. Life through the friendships, the Raimund Stiller and his wife Sissi, will spend a few years here.

The Taufkirchener Blech comes as a surprise, because the 59-year-old Silent in the Bavarian Radio as the day’s master is still in action and is now in a state of rest as a bus driver in deployment. It has never been so that the time and the washing have started, but organizing activities has never been so easy as the bus transportation and everything else is planned.

Commonality and summary

Stiller war with 15 years of the Himolla Blaskapelle beigetreten, his father Harald trudged damaskly through the big drum. Much has been learned about Klavier, I would like to make Blasmusik. At the Gymnasium Dorfen it takes place at the Bigband of the cultural leader John Schirmbeck, while the “Moosner Blaskapelle” gründete and its self-confident actives are used, but then on Taufkirchener Blech.

This music teacher Bene Allgäuer wants to equip the young Burschen for his Taufkirchener Realschul-Bigband and his quartet. “We fell with the Himollanern below. There were often a few decisions about Möbelbestellungen und traten in Möbelhäusern in fast ganz Deutschland auf. In our country we played happily ever after and were still happy,” he recalls.

Auch that Geselligkeit was immer dabei. Darauf lays stiller auch heute sehr fell Wert, damit die Gemeinschaft und der Zusammenhalt stimmen. “When you see a strange soul, you bring a separate music.” That will be stiller auch daheim, before März 2025 planted the first Frühjahrskonzert of the Taufkirchener Blechs. Blasmusik avid music and music players will do their best.