
Bastian Aßfalg is the new Ratsmitglied

Bastian Aßfalg is the new Ratsmitglied

Neben der Verpflichtung von Bastian Asfalg as Gemeinderat hat sich in der Unterwachinger Gemeinderatssitzung am vergangen Donnerstag fell a de Breitbandausbau gedreht. A cost-loser Anschluss for all the apparent support of the Federal Politics of the Bund and the Country in weite Ferne gerückt. During a detailed description of the communities, it is possible to see the free connections to the entire house and the fast internet advertisements.

The Committee in the Sachthemen is for Mayor Hans Rieger the obligation of Bastian Asfalg as Gemeinderat on the agenda. When I am 22. July the other Räte verbflichtet wurden, which Aßfalg prevents. It is a question of time that the manufacturer carries out the sale and the certainty of the lighting and does the service of the Rathauschef to get his hands on even more years verblicht.

Bürgermeister Rieger congratulates the food and thanks his heart for the service of the Ehrenamts. “It is a hereditary and responsible resource, time, know-how and energy. Sie reicht von Integration bis Digitization. It is true that in all Themenbereichen the Gemeinde nach vorne will bring. Durch Bürgerbeteiligung wird das Interesse an der Politik gesteigert“, so Rieger.

Decide how the Board will start building a bundle for the municipality of Strombedarf from 2026 to 2028. Mayor Rieger will go on this Weise keine Offerte for two years and man with Erdgas Zuidwest-a Stromlieferverlag has its own character.

Now that it has come out, offers have been made. These will take place during the period of their investigation into the outsourcing of the job offers, while they are preparing for the fall. In Unterwachingen, the Municipality of Strom is particularly concerned with street lighting as well as with the town hall and the municipal building.

Zum aktuellen Sachsstand zur Erschließung white Flecken hat der Bürgermeister von Unterwachingen ausführlich Stellung genommen. It is true that the Straßen “Am Tobelbach”, “Birkäcker” and “Hausener Straße” from the Förderung have been restored. See, all of you will be able to get away for free with an anchorage and glass fiber net. During a mandated Trassenführung it is possible that the address of Straße “Birkäcker” is used as a sog. Vortriebsadres in de Förderung aufzunehmen.

An Aussiedlerhof, the Straße “Am Tobelbach”, sees the roast of the northwestern parts of the “Hausener Straße” as planer Patrick Burger from Geo Data not in the foraged Bereiche. As I have prüft, the eigenwirtschaftliche Erschließung der influenced Adressen kosten würde, also ohne Förderung, and who dies sich to the Eigenanteil der Gemeinde auswirken würde. “Be sure to take a closer look at the plans to ensure that the price is corrected as of 2022. Deshalb ergibt sich eine verhältnismäßig moderate Steigerung des Eigenanteils“, so Bürgermeister Rieger.

It can be assumed: “Perhaps the property will be paid from 114,862 to 142,895 Euro. With a value of 30,000 Euro, the community can extend all costs in the substructure and the glass phase. That is your settlement. Wenn der Gemeinderat zeestimmt, vermeiden wir a Ungleichbehandlung der Eigentümer.” Gemeinderat Peter Traub has received the thanks of the Rathauschefs. Der dahingehende Beschluss zum weiteren Vorgehen beim Breitbandausbau fiel instimmig aus.

The completion of the social station Raum Munderkingen is for the year 2023 without Abmangel in bezhlen. “The community must be a negative experience for the Abmangel aufkommen in the fall”, Rieger quickly joins together. There is a social station, which consists of 51 units of 500 outpatients, as an expert with large utilities for the Raumschaft. It was managed on a large scale. For example, the specialists were also accepted at their care visits, if patients had to go to the hospital.

Bürgermeister Rieger teilte mit, dass die Gemeinde Unterwachingen aus der Grund- und Gewerbesteuer des intercommunalen Gewerbebiets Munderkingen for the Year 2023 a bet of 4017 Euro erhält, with a vertraglich vereinbarten Anteil of 1,12 Prozent.

The new bus transport, i.e. the Rathauschef, was the monitoring of the community. “The required improvements are done well, but they remain open to children, and they function better,” so the Bürgermeister Rieger, who is grateful to them, is responsible for the children in Munderkingen who are guided by their Bushaltestelle and who are absolved.

The old Feuerwehr comes from the Feuerwehrförderung des Landes for the annual annual saving of 1440 Euro. Let the mayor not carry out the installation of the community houses and a private hackschnitzelanlage from Kapazitäts- and fördertechnische Gründen. There is a problem, “it seems that other people are no longer concerned with their hearts”.