
So you can raise your interest deutlich

So you can raise your interest deutlich

Teacher 4 Minutes

Let more seniors be divorced, or interest rates will change. According to the Federal Agency for Employment, in December 2023, approximately 373,000 people were involved in social security changes. Rentners, who can choose from more options, could gain new interest rates through the view of the interest rate diversification freedom.

There are several ways to explore the scaffolding. Before you do this, there is a written statement from the Arbeitgeber, on the basis of the Beiträge zur Rentenversicherung gezahlt werden.

Das Urteil des Hessischen Landessozialgerichts: Die Rechtliche Grundlage

In April 2024, the Hessian Landessozialgericht came to the fall, the rightful basis for renters, who still do more work, verdeutlichte. A renter, born in 1949, is after the regulation of the rent changed in time and earns a sum of money of 1,050 euros. According to the set regulations (§ 5 Abs. 4 SGB VI) there was freed from the rent insurance obligation.

If it is good, there is no interest calculation possible, while the court buys off the arbitration of 99 euros in the rent. You get an amount of 6,747.64 euros in the Rentenkasse ein.

If the tenant wants to pay a price, it may be that this interest is combined with a higher price or an alternative that must be adjusted. The court nevertheless ruled against him. The rationale: Employee, the regulated lease agreements are free of representation, but they are not active on this insurance-free representation.

Because Arbeitgeber gezahlte Beiträge fly in the allegemeine Rentenkasse and erhöhen nicht the individual Rente des Rentners. The legal basis here is § 172 SGB VI, der festlegt, dass Arbeitgeber für versicherungsfreie Senioren the full Beitrag zur Rentenversicherung entrichten müssen – dieser jebut not the rental account of the Arbeitnehmers zugutekommt.

Was there a need for another renter?

It is clear that Rentner, after the settlement of the interest payments, has no other interest subsidies, if he is not active on the interest-free display. If you also rent during the Arbeit im Alter steigern-möchte, you must write that Arbeitgeber gegenüber erklären is, that is wieder rentenversicherungsblichtig sein möchte.

How does the interest rate insurance freedom overview work?

The insight into the interest provision freedom has arisen from a single written explanation that the Arbeitgeber has generated. This supervision implies that the tenant will fulfill the entire lease agreement with the interest provision, and that you will find a young Arbeitnehmer.

The worker then transfers both the work requirements and the work fee to the rent bank. When his follow-up begins, the tenant will start the new interest payments, which will appear in the form of a higher rent in July of the following years.

Was the prospect of interest rate security freedom brought about?

If you are a new tenant, you benefit from an annuitant with an overview of the interest protection freedom of one of the higher interest rates on your new rent point. For each month, when the interest rate changes after the arrangement of the rent changes, an interest of 0.5% is paid on the new rent. This leads to a reasonable increase in interest.

Beispiel: Rentensteigerung durch Overzicht op de Rentenversicherungsfreiheit

Heinz B. started arranging rent and rent payments in December 2019 then two more years in the following week. There is a view on the interest provision freedom and it will yield a gross profit of 48,000 Euro 4,464 Euro in the Rentenkasse ein. In the year 2020, the continued payment of interest was 40,551 Euro.

Heinz B. earns in this 24,000 Euro, which was 0.5918 inflow points. The high interest on the interest on the interest has been a period of 9% during the year 2020, while the interest on the blessing has risen to 0.6451.

In the year 2021, more and earned 24,000 Euro is earned. The yield of part of the interest starts with an interest for those years of 15%, which results in an interest plus of 0.6644 rent points. In total, Heinz B. died through his two years of work after the beginning of the interest an increase in interest of 1.3095 rent points. In July 2024 he died for a sum of 51.49 Euro.

Year Merit Deciphering points Height (%) Rental points according to rating
2020 €24,000 0.5918 9% 0.6451
2021 €24,000 0.5918 15% 0.6644
Summer 1.1836 1.3095

Introduce more seniors to interest rates

The purchase of a rental alterhoed in the most recent years. After the active sale of the Federal Agency for Labor, in December 2023, approximately 373,000 seniors, the regular rental agreements have been transferred, social insurance liability has been granted. For comparison: I have been left behind in 2000 at the Zahl nor at 86,000.

Besonders deutlich ist dieser Anstieg in the passed years. Während im März 2018 nor rund 237,000 Senioren sozialversicherungspflichtig labor, were es fun Jahre später bereits fast 358,000.

Entwicklung der social versicherungspflichtigen Senioren


Sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigte über Regelaltersgrenze

2000 86,281
2003 92,793
2006 100,520
2009 126,857
2012 158,489
March 2018 237,702
March 2019 259,535
March 2020 275,332
March 2021 275,511
March 2022 302,816
March 2023 331,768
September 2023 357,856

Dieser Trend is no longer concerned with social austerity measures, but with Minijobs. In December 2023, the Federal Agency for the Construction of 1.09 million tenants began implementing the Regelaltersgrenze in a minijob labor.

The Minijob has a sales limit of 520 euros in terms of financial and social security and the roads are interesting for many tenants, who are not willing to pay for it.

2004 583,227
2006 713,455
2008 756,740
2010 762,644
2012 813,895
2014 886,509
2016 937,815
2018 1,017,618
2020 998.253
2022 1,045,269
2023 1,091,298

Teilzeit und Vollzeit: Wie senioren nach dem Renteneintritt?

When the full lease settlement takes place in the lease, you can dominate the time settlement among seniors. In December 2023, there were 372,564 sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigten Rentnern 143,315 in Vollzeit tätig, während 229,249 in Teilzeit arbeiteten.

Working hours of the social responsibility of seniors

Era Full time Part time

Gesamtzahl sozialversicherungspflichtiger Seniors

March 2021 104,602 170,909 275,511
December 2021 113,245 186,218 299,463
December 2022 124,788 204,094 328,882
December 2023 143,315 229,249 372,564