
Since your last request: Hunderte “Viagra-Frösche” is described

Since your last request: Hunderte “Viagra-Frösche” is described

Since they were born – but wilder habits are still present on the Tiere abgesehen: In Peru, Hunderte Titicaca-Riesenfrösche in onem Lkw befunden en beschlagnahmt. There may be a way to get the Wirkung nachgesagt.

This blade is first a full proof, but wise ways are “safety” is the Titicaca-Riesenfrosch heiß begehrt. The Elixir won by me will stimulate sexual arousal and help the erectionsstörungen. For the use of “Viagra der Inka’s” the first steps and results were taken. Then an extra can be added to the price, so that you can handle a higher price. The Töten der Tiere is everything that is forbidden strengthens.

Knapp 400 Titicaca-Riesenfrösche an der Peruvian-Bolivischen Grenze beschlagnahmt

In the Puno region, the national Forest Service 390 has a Frösche in a Pappschale in a Lastwagen sichergestelltt, reports the “Bild”. Die Tiere sollten anschließend in the Hauptstadt Lima were brought. If the meat receives a fine of 13,000 euros. The aiming point is 50 meters from the smallest Mindestein bowls.

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Wirkung des Froschelixirs nicht winstschaftlich invests

Wissenschaftlich invests ist de Wirkung des Froschsafts übrigens nicht. “Der Froschsaft hat die Standards der Lebens- und Arzneimittel, die als Medizin gelten, nicht erreicht”, erklärt Tomy Villanueva, Vorsitzender der medizinischen Akademie Lima gegenüber der Zeitung. But that does not seem to be possible.

Riesenfrosch gilded as bedrohte Tierart

The population of the Riesenfroschs has grown to 80 percent over the past 15 years. Take a look at the best paths in the wild. They will also be able to enjoy the climate and change their living environment, such as the Titicaca, the Tieren.

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The Titicaca-Riesenfrosch can be 14 long and 250 grams long. Mittlerweile gilded is as vom Aussterben bedroht. (mp)